*Harry stares at Thestral*
Harry: What is it?
*Everyone turns around*
Ron: What's wrong?
Harry: That, pulling the carriage
*Everyone looks at Harry weirdly*
Hermione: Nothing's pulling the carriage, Harry...It's pulling itself like always.
*Harry stares at the Thestral and walks to the carriage*
Luna *sitting in carriage reading newspaper upside down*: You're not going mad *Ron and Harry stare at Luna* I can see them too...You're just as sane as I am...
*Ron and Harry glance at each other uncertainly*
Clip: http://iesb.net/index.php?option=com_xevidmegafx&Itemid=139&func=detail&id=946
This is a cosplay of Luna Lovegood from the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix movie. The earrings are supposed to be radishes and this is supposed to be how she dressed during the final battle scene.
And yes I do realize that there are many, many, MANY cosplays of HP characters out right now, but please vote fairly and keep your HP hatred to yourself. Thank you