Hey, you are the blue aqua dragon! Peaceful and kind, never wanting to hurt anyone. You would be quite strong if you use your powers
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this is youyour name is mia!you powers are reading minds,and controling the 4 elemnts!you were born in the Leaf Village,and you lived there for 6 years with your father and mother!your best friend was sasuke uchiha,naruto,kiba,sikamaru,chiogi and the rest!you were the most talented ninja there and you were very apriciated(sp?)your parents died protecting you when your haus was atacked by other ninjas who wanted to steall you and use your powers to distroy Konoha!after your parents death you left the Leaf Village and went to the Sand village were you made new friend:gaara ,temari and konkuro!Personality:you are a very carying person,and you love to stay around animals!because of your huge power you dont have many friends!you like to be in charge once in a wayl(sp?)so you have a vulcaninc temper!but you are liket by all the people ho mett you so good for you!you are care free,you like to blend in,you dont like to be told what to do and you are sometimes very cold with other persons!this is your personalityyou returned to the Leaf Village after a couple of years and started training with the other students,altho you were much stronger then they were!you are a very good healer so Tsunade likes you!You are very,very cool and beautiful so every boy wants to be with you but you dont care!all you want is to avenge your parents! AGE:15Naruto:she is fun and happy,but sometimes she scares me,because she`s to silent!Sakura:i dont like her because sasuke likes her,but to top that she is a good friend and dont bothers anyone with her problems!Sasuke:i like her!she is amusing and her past is gest like mine!she seaks(sp?)revenge for her parents and family to!Kakashi: she is a very good student and she trains very hard!her power are huge but she dosent care about them!also she is so HOT!(me:pervert)Shikamaru:i like her but sometimes she is to cold and you cant understand her!Ino:I HATE HER!(me: go hang your self you bich)Chouji:~eating~she is very nice and caring!she dosent insult people and most of the times she hangs out with me and the other guys!shes greatAsuma:i train with her and the others,and because of her great sckils(SP?)she often surpas me and kakashi!she is a great person!Hinata:she helf me with Naruto-kun,so i like her.She stays with me and tries to make me less shy!Kiba:she is my best friend and she always cares for me and Akamaru!is a get her she always heals me so i think she is the most wonderful person !(me:i think he likes you;luke hes blushing)Akamaru:BARK BARK BARK(me:he means that Kiba loves you very much but he wonth admit it;lucky you ^_^)Shino:she is sometimes so silent that you cant talk with her!but i like her because she is very friendly with me and we are friend

you element is water,you love the rain and are a friendly person who pretects there friends if needed.you dont love when enemys mess with you and they will be sure not too cause they forgot who they were dealing with
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Reflection~~~You're the angel of reflection.You're a reflection of everyone sorrow and pain. hoped you liked it....
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umm...you're very shy...or alittle shy about having a bf/gf..you like him/her to make the first move.
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U got Rae! Fighter gal. You dont want to run into her in a dark alley... Quote: Dont mess with the best.
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name: sakuyaage: 15you have gone through a lot in your life maybe something happened in your life like a family/ friend died or someone betrayed you i have gone through the same and still am so pm me and if you want we can talk about what happened ^^
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"Yes! My turn at last!" You said as you spun the bottle as hard as you could. After not seeing any action in awhile you were determined to spice this game up a bit. When the bottle stopped on Gaara of the desert you suddenly became very quiet and shy. This would be the first time that the bottle chose him. When you got up to kiss him, Gaara said, "No." You froze instantly and sat back down. Later that night, you were getting some more cheetos when you heard someone follow you to your kitchen. In the blink of an eye you were spun around, embraced and kissed. There was no room for words in the firestorm of passion that consumed the two of you, but through the kiss both of you conveyed that the wait was worth it. Gaara was an excellent kisser.
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Kitsune Girl with Tail
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You are a water dwelling dragon!!Oceans and large lakes are perfect for you! You have little intrest in humans unless they're stealing your fish, but overall your quite peace full and if in a good mood will grant the wishes of travleres
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You're dragon gaurdian is the white dragon or dragon spirit! you can call upon him/her anytime, and he/she is very powerful in magic skills! although he is very wise he can be stubborn especially when he belives that he is right and you are wrong.... He especialy likes riddles.
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You are Water! Laid back and cool! ur admired by many people and you have a great personality! you don't like big crowds just a few friends!
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Name:Kissa Age:15 Village:Hidden in the Stone Past:Your Parents and brother were killed when you were very young.The village leader took you in after your parents died. Now you are trieing(sp?) to find who killed your family.
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Aquakinesis or water magic, you have a cool head but can distance youself from others. Sometimes you consider yourself to cool for something, try to lay off and have some fun once and a while.powers:conjuration and mannipulation of water. current control, fish communicationBattle powers: ice, ice baby! (throwing ice balls)
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Shisui(still water) Mandara(speckles) is your name,your element is water/ice.
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