What's my real name:
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How old am I right now:
Do you know who I like, if so, who:
What's my favorite type of music:
Do I live in the country or in the city:
How long have we've known each other:
Are we friends, good friends, best friends, or clones/twins:
If you could label me, what would you label me: jock, prep, freak, weirdo, emo, gangsta, poser, loser, nerd, geek? If these labels don't fit, then what would you label me:
Am I a person who helps or ignores others:
Tell Me About Your Self
Who are you:
Why did you do this:
Are you going to 'borrow' these questions for your self:
How did we meet:
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Do I ever annoy you:
Is there something I ever say or do that you hate, even just a wee bit:
Have I ever done something that made you mad or upset:
Is there anything you think I need to improve on:
Do you ever miss me, and do you think I miss you back:
Do we know each other in real life:
Have we ever hugged before:
When was the last time we talked:
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Life is short
Break the rules
Forgive quickly
Kiss slowly
Love truly
Laugh uncontrollably
And never regret anything that made you smile.
Break the rules
Forgive quickly
Kiss slowly
Love truly
Laugh uncontrollably
And never regret anything that made you smile.
User Comments: [2] [add]
![]() njiokm Community Member ![]() |
User Comments: [2] [add]
Community Member
What's my real name: Marina
When's my birthday: June 23rd
How old am I right now: 14
Do you know who I like, if so, who: John
What's my favorite type of music: Rock
Do I live in the country or in the city: Country
How long have we've known each other: About a month
Are we friends, good friends, best friends, or clones/twins: I'd say best friends for now
If you could label me, what would you label me: jock, prep, freak, weirdo, emo, gangsta, poser, loser, nerd, geek? If these labels don't fit, then what would you label me: SUPER COOL cool
Am I a person who helps or ignores others: Helps
Tell Me About Your Self
Who are you: Maddi
Why did you do this: I wanted to be first to comment
Are you going to 'borrow' these questions for your self: You stole them from me! O_O
How did we meet: I was saying sorry for Kristy >_>
More Questions
Do I ever annoy you: Nope
Is there something I ever say or do that you hate, even just a wee bit: Nope
Have I ever done something that made you mad or upset: I'm jealous you have John crying
Is there anything you think I need to improve on: Nope
Do you ever miss me, and do you think I miss you back: I miss you and porbably miss me back, but not as much
Do we know each other in real life: Nope sad
Have we ever hugged before: Online, yes
When was the last time we talked: Right now
I'll stand up with you forever.
I'll be there for you through it all,
Even if saving you sends me to heaven.