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My thoughts...
Back from orientation
I may be out soon again but first the news.

That was hell, especially staying in the residence hall, which it turns out I didnt actually have to do. Glad I dont have to do that. I am not a partier and it was like prison. I felt like I needed to sit by my door awake with a shotgun. Needless to say, I didnt get much sleep.

Only have to take less than a year of english which I am happy about. I am now a future engineer. ^^

I tested into the most advanced available english course and Calc 1 course which I am happy about. I am even auditing the Chem class so my first quarter shouldnt be too bad. Still need to waive my medical insurance, but I will get to that. I am excited about starting and look forward to the challenging workload ahead of me in chemical engineering.

The dean said that I was now with the other smart kids. I thought it was funny because I have been with the smart kids since high school. He has got to slam me pretty hard to shake my academic resolve. wink

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Jul 29, 2007 @ 10:57am
Yeah I know where you're coming from with the smart kid thing. I think I am going to walk in to my college and go up to an adviser and say "I want to quintuple major." I suspect they will make a big deal out of it of course. I will just say look where I came from. I bet I came from the highest ranked high school of all incoming freshman. Let me take what I want to take and help me through the red tape. In case I haven't made it clear Psych, Eng, Hist, French, Med. Studies.

I think there are a good number of corners I can cut. Between gen reqs, hist, French and English I can fulfill the requirements for Med. Studies.

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