I saw a program last night that still has me baffled. It was about how young people interact with each other. They did a study at Brigham Young University, researching specifically how they treat and communicate with each other via the internet. This was so disturbing to watch.
They put several groups of boys and girls---dividing them up---"pretty, popular" groups in one room,---less popular in other rooms and gave them cell phones and computers so they could communicate. They knew that everything they did was being recorded. Immediately the "clicks" began to form and the hatred began to spew. I was so disturbed as I watched these young girls, ripping each other to shreds with hurtful words, name calling, ....it was awful to watch.
The other story highlighted was of a boy who "just didnt fit in". He was awkward at school, kids made fun of him. His parents told of how sweet he was--if only people took the time to look past his awkward exterior, they would know the adorable, witty boy they loved. This boy was lured into computer chat by a popular girl in school--whose only intent was to break his heart by exposing his kind words to her . She told him, "I could never like someone like you". The boy expressed to her in his last email, "Its girls like you that make me want to kill myself". And the next day he did just that.
This topic is one that is soooo important-----we are more visual now than we have EVER been---this machine I type on being one of the culprits. So today I thought I would use this machine to pose some questions about how much time we spend working on "appearances" in our lives vs. working on what our verbage tells us is the most important---the inside. When I think about how I parent---I always try to listen to that voice of wisdom, "lead by example--and your kids will follow." Those little eyes--are always watching. They know what your priority list is--purely based on the amount of time you spend on specific items in your life.
Hmmmm,... how much time do I spend investing in appearances---not just my personal appearance---but of my home, ,my family's,....my career,..... everything I do??? And is all that balanced with the time I invest in working on the spiritual side, developing kind personalities, inner peace and thoughtfulness?? The scale can tip either way I suppose. I tell my kids that this is what really matters---and I know this to be true in my heart--but am I doing a well enough job with my actions?
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