omfg fanfiction is sooo annoying!!! now i have to deleat my other story too cuz those idiots keep reporting it!! well here's a back up though, hope someone enjoys it now that i have to deleat it...
100 ways to kill hojo
way to kill hojo #1:
Have InuYasha cut off his head with the tetsaiga. (Sorry If I’m misspelling it)
way to kill hojo#2:
Feed him to Kouga’s wolf pack
way to kill hojo#3:
Have kagome and gramps run over him just like road kill.
Way to kill hojo #4:
Let him fell the rath of Fuffly’s poison claws.
Way to kill hojo #5:
Put sleeping pills into his drink during the day and then when he falls asleep thow him off Mt. Everest.
way to kill hojo #6:
Tell him kagome’s dead so he’ll commit suicide.
Way to kill hojo #7:
Have kirara burn him up and eat him in big form.
Way to kill hojo #8:
Myoga and shoga suck all his blood out.
Way to kill hojo #9:
Shippio top spins on hojo’s head until his skull cracks
way to kill hojo #10:
Naraku accidentally absorbs him while absorbing other demons.
way to kill hojo #11:
Kagura kills him with dance of the dragons
way to kill hojo #12:
Kagura kills him with dance of the dead
way to kill hojo #13:
Kanna steals his soul
way to kill hojo #14:
Kanna breaks his skull with her mirror.
Way to kill hojo #15:
Miroku sucks him into his wind tunnel
way to kill hojo #16:
Kagome shoots him with her sacred arrow.
Way to kill hojo #17:
Kikyo shoots him with her sacred arrow.
Way to kill hojo #18:
We make him watch nick jr. and barney.
Way to kill hojo #19:
We make him listen to Britney Spears and Hilary Duff.
Way to kill hojo #20:
We replace his health crap with poison and s**t.
Way to kill hojo # 21:
Sango’s hiraikostsu.
Way to kill hojo # 22:
Kohaku’s chain weapon.
Way to kill hojo # 23:
Rin push him into a river.
Way to kill hojo #24:
Jaken’s staff
way to kill hojo #25:
Hakudoushi darkens his soul until hojo is left so hollow and depressed he commits suicide.
way to kill hojo #26:
Cement his heals and drown the freak
way to kill hojo #27:
Voodoo his sorry rear
way to kill hojo #28:
Use the shikon no tama to kill him (you decide how)
way to kill hojo #29:
Sessy kills him/retrieves him/ kills him/ retrieves him/ kills him/ etc...
way to kill hojo #30:
Shippio burns him up
way to kill hojo #31:
Kaede shoots him with an arrow.
Way to kill hojo #32:
Kagome uses a cannon on him.
Way to kill hojo #33:
A firecracker from the sky falls on him
way to kill hojo #34:
Hojo’s ancestor kills him.
Way to kill hojo #35:
Make him watch “The Ring” so Samara kills him.
way to kill hojo #36:
Have the bride from kill bill 1&2 slice him into bits.
Way to kill hojo #37:
Give him a gift box with a hidden bomb in it.
Way to kill hojo #38:
Tie him to the train tracks and wait patiently for your ride to come... he he he.
Way to kill hojo #39:
Pay inuyasha in ramen to become a hit man and iron reaver soul stealer hojo.
Way to kill hojo #40:
Send him to Michael Jackson’s may not kill him , but it will screw him up for life.
Way to kill hojo #41:
Have him marry kikyo.
Way to kill hojo #42:
Use his wimpy body as a homing missal target.
Way to kill hojo #43:
Have aliens abduct him ; a**l prob ; disect ;and then finally kill him off with a mind-melting head beam.
Way to kill hojo #44:
Have sessomaru turn into his demon dog form and eat hojo.
Way to kill hojo #45:
Miyu’s firecrackers (from episode soulpiper and the mischievous soul)
way to kill hojo #46:
Send hojo into a pit of inuyasha fans and have him trampled.
Way to kill hojo #47:
Grabbing a gun and shooting him.
Way to kill hojo #48:
Have the water god drown him.
Way to kill hojo #49:
Have kagome tell him she’s pregnant. (with Inuyasha's kid!hehehe)
way to kill hojo #50:
Nail his sorry a** on each of the shrine steps.
Way to kill hojo #51:
Teleport him to the Sahara desert in Eskimo clothes and leave him out in the tyhe sun to dissolve.
Way to kill hojo #52:
Cover him with fish food and throw him in a bath full of Parana.
Way to kill hojo #53:
Take him to the feudal era, give each of the gang a mallet and let them hammer him to death.
Way to kill hojo #54:
Hang him as a punching bag and give him to inuyasha to train on.
Way to kill hojo #55:
Slash off his silly head and have the gang play golf with it.
Way to kill hojo #56:
Slash off his hands and slap his face with it.
Way to kill hojo #57:
Get him infested with a bunch of germs and let them eat him away slowly and painfully.
Way to kill hojo #58:
Feed him to an anaconda .
Way to kill hojo #59:
Have a demonic squid strangle him with its tentacles.
Way to kill hojo #60:
Make him a human dart bord.
Way to kill hojo #61:
Tell sessomaru that hojo secretly loves the reaction and blood shed...mhahaha!
Way to kill hojo #62:
Tell sesshomaru that hojo got rin pregnant...see above the reaction.
Way to kill hojo #63:
Tie him up, tape his eyes open and make him watch teletubbies.
Way to kill hojo #64:
Put him as a stunt person in the show “jack ss”.
Way to kill hojo #65:
Have kagome give him some poison food .
Way to kill hojo #66:
Have a gaint demon stomp him flat.
Way to kill hojo #67:
Stab him in the head with a rake.
Way to kill hojo #68:
Feed him the food from McDonalds.
Way to kill hojo #69:
Force him to watch the Geico “cave man” commercial.
Way to kill hojo #70:
Let a rapid squirrel bite his tongue.
Way to kill hojo#71:
Inject 409 into his brain.
Way to kill hojo #72:
Stone him to death with a grapefruit.
Way to kill hojo #73:
Shout OMG! You killed kenny–erm, Hojo!
Way to kill hojo#74:
Have kagome put the beads of segragtion on his neck and sit him until he dies.
Way to kill hoj #75:
Have him get crushed by a boulder.
Way to kill hojo #76:
Tell kouga about hojo having feeling for his woman, then kougas kills him.
Way to kill hojo#77:
Have kouga speed kick him and break his neck with his foot.
Way to kill hojo #78:
Shippio scares hojo from his perch on a tree as he falls to his doom.
Way to kill hojo #79:
Force sake down his throat until he dies of alcohol poisoning.
Way to kill hojo #80:
Have him fall down the bone eaters well and break his neck.
Way to kill hojo#81:
Have kagome’s cat buyo claw his face and then he tripped and fell down the stairs to kagome’s shrine.
Way to kill hojo #82:
Tie a rope around his neck and pretend its suicide.
Way to kill hojo #83:
Falls into a bird demon’s nest and the baby birds eat him.
Way to kill hojo #84:
Have him pop out of the well and have kagome accentually push him back into the well. Kagome whistles innocently.
Way to kill hojo #85:
Use him as a shield when a sword attacks and is hard to dodge.
Way to kill hojo#86:
When kagome is falling from a very high cliff, use hojo as an air bag.
Way to kill hojo #87:
Cut him and then have him roam around in the forest and have some hungry demons shred him up.
Way to kill hojo #88:
Have miroku knock him out, putting him in a coma, and then have inuyasha suffocate him with a pillow.
Way to kill hojo#89:
Steal all of his clothes and then put him outside of his home and let him die of embarrassment.
Way to kill hojo #90:
Put honey over all of his body and then have a jar of bees sting him to death.
Way to kill hojo #91:
Find the one thing that he is deadly allergic to and give It to him.
Way to kill hojo #92:
Let him watch a scary movie and let kagome say to him “seven days”. He screams like a little girl and dies from fright.
Way to kill hojo #93:
Have kagome tell hojo she dosent love him over and over again.
Way to kill hojo #94:
Pay hiko in sake to kill hojo.
Way to kill hojo #95:
Frame him of a crime and watch saito stab the s**t out of him.
Way to kill hojo #96:
Trick kenshin into going battosai on his a**.
Way to kill hojo #97:
Tell kaoru he insulted her cooking.
Way to kill hojo #98:
Tell him that kagome and inuyasha are getting married.
Way to kill hojo #99:
Let him watch kagome and inuyasha make out.
way to kill Hojo number 100:
get kagome to say that she’ll go on a date with Hojo to the movie theater and hide Inuyasha in the movie theater. While they sit in the back so no one can see them have Inuyasha come and beat up Hojo and have kagome smack him in the head with her purse so much that he goes unconscious when the lights go out. Then put honey all over his body and stick him to the screen where everybody can see him and then have everybody throw popcorn and candy so that he is now covered in it and looks like a giant popcorn stick. Then when he wakes up make him watch kagome and Inuyasha making out during the movie. Then if he starts screaming cover his mouth (and anything else u want) with duck tape. Then let them continuing their making out until the movie is over, then when it is over just let them exit the movie theather when everyone is out and they beat up hobo….again……and pull the duck tape off…..REALLY REALLY REALLY HARD AND FAST. AND YEY HE MIGHT ASWELL BE DEAD!
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