Why is love an emotional rollercoaster.... one minute its happiness and then the next is sadness, why is love a doubtfull thing... why cant you just love someone and be happy all the time.... Why isnt love simple and easy, Why does love hurt when your happy? Why do you question love when it comes your way, why why why....... But most of all of this, why does it make you doubt yourself as a person???
Recently my path crossed with another, I am completey smitten with them, I get the most amazing messages and they just make my heart melt, I see and I feel their beautiful soul and heart... I never thought that I would find someone on such a spiritual level... I find myself thinking about them ... often, they are in my thoughts most of the time now... and I feel alive inside, something I didnt think I would ever let happen again in my life... But, its wired cause I know very little about them and we've never met face to face... hmm maybe in another life ... perhaps??
It takes someone extremely special for me to let them into my world... And I mean special! its not an easy thing for me to hear what they say, and go Wow... But this one person has... And I go WOW often....
The strange thing is ... I feel what they feel, I know their happiness and sadness, I know when they think about me cause I then think about them... When they messages me, when their name comes up on my phone it always puts a smile on my face, and my heart just melts with their compassion, they are ... a beautiful person inside and out.....
My only problem is my fears... of rejection, and dissapointment to them.... Im scared to death or what if Im just making an idiot of myself.... Altho Im not a complete idiot and I know that in reality things maybe different, and I know theres that "attraction" that you both got to have... But, Im a person who feels that ... if my soul is like another then its meant to be, regardless of the outside shell... after all thats all it is... Ive always believed in loving someone for who they are inside...
If its meant to be, it will be.....
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