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Sammirah's Bubble
I don't know what this will be like. I don't know what anything's like.
Sailormoon does, indeed, make life better.

I've been reading through the entire collection of manga, in English, for the first time. I think I'm on number 37 out of like 50 something.

I've downloaded a couple mp3s randomly, not knowing if I'd like them, and what I've heard so far is ******** RAWK so I think I'm gonna hafta pig out.

Found some torrent sites that have Super S and Sailor Stars so I'm going to be all over that like tentacle monsters on hentai in the next couple of days.

I've cleaned out my toolbox covered in Sailormoon stickers that I was using for scrapbooking and am transferring into it all the art supplies I actually use.

I recently put up my couple of small Sailormoon posters, in a couple minutes I'm going to dig out the big shiny one I got for my (15th? 17th? Who knows) birthday; I might even put it in the living room. Visitors, beware.

Oh, and if I have time before my friends come over later I'm gonna rewatch the SuperS movie, even though I only have the English version. I'm feeling Christmas-y.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Apr 29, 2005 @ 03:43pm
Why, Sam? Why?


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