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Shuriken Jutsu's Journal
Just something I don't really use very much.
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Username: Shuriken Jutsu
Public Name: Bandit
Real Name: Unknown
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Weight: He has no set weight
Height: 5" 5'


Strengths: Bandit has the ability to enhance the growth of his skeletal structure. He utilizes this power in many ways, including the creation of knuckle guards, spears, and projectile spikes. He also possesses a healing factor and enhanced immune system so every time a bone is ripped out a wound remains which closes itself soon after. His bones can fall apart and move around his body, which gives his body the ability to morph and change shape.
Weaknesses: His power is new, so he the risk of his bones to fall apart in his body randomly, leaving him defenseless.
Origin Archetype: Science


Attack: He has the ability to shape his bones into anything
Defense: His bones can be pushed to the outside of his body, creating an exoskeleton.
Transport: On foot


Hero or Villain: Villain
Appearance: [x]
Personality: Bandit is a quiet, calm, and lonely person, who hardly says anything and tends to seek comfort in being alone. Instead, he observes from the background, unlike his fellow Conquerers, he isn't a loud mouth, or shy. Although being a solitary person, Bandit crossed emotions with his friends he slightly cares about them, he values them, for they are.
History: Bandit grew up in a life of pain and poverty. He could barely afford food because his mother and father were murdered by a mysterious person. Fueled by rage and anger, Bandit learned the ways of Shuriken-jutsu, hoping to find the man who killed his parents. Bandit had been in a big battle and after losing his right arm, he stitched it back on in the medical room. He then created and injected a formula into his right arm, which changed his osseous tissue, which is a relatively hard and lightweight composite material, formed mostly of calcium phosphate. He was then able to grow and morph the bones in his body.

...You'll just have a shard of wristwatch embedded in your arm for the rest of your life.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

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