Happy feelings burst through out me
The suns rays shining through parts in the clouds
Warmth, spreading across my body
A crazy sensation
I look over my shoulder
And look at my new wings
Small, yet strong
Able to carry me above and beyond
To adventures that are awaiting to happen
I feel them calling to me
To places I havent seen before
Should I set out to see these places?
To help the people in need?
I take a step forward
My bare feet softly touching the ground
Till I cant feel earth anymore
And my wings have taken me off on a new adventure
I feel the wind rushing across my face
What a lovely view from up here
I look down at the towns as I pass by
Children playing in the streets
Laughing and playing
With out a care in the world
I smile seeing poeple so happy Across the market place
Where mothers and young girls go to get the nights dinner
Men off fishing or farming for another nights
I fly higher to glance at the world above the clouds
To see a wondrous view
So magical and powerful
A terrific feeling
I fly back through the town and spot a forest
Wild and free
Nothing in its way
Animals roaming anywhere they wish to
I fall to the bottom
Between the leaves and branches
To land softly on a patch of wild flowers
I look around
At the trees and the plants and everything that moves
I feel them within me
I let out a sigh and flew back into the sky
Moments like this always makes me happier
The peace and serenity of it all
Not a care in the world
I see a river in the distance
Flowing past me, hurring to find the end
I skim my feet gently across the water
Feeling its cold rush pass by
I look up past the water to find my last spot
Anew adventure finally waiting for me
A small village with a large church
A church that calls out for me
I swoop over to the top
And place myself on the steeple
To land on the cross at the top
I let out a sigh and await for my new adventure to begin
For I am the goddess of adventure and mischief
And I love what I do
View User's Journal
beloved_angel's moments ^.^
My journal..Hmmm. I'm normally and most likely going to put my work in here.
[[ PLEASE VISIT MY WEBSITE!! @ http://quiteunique.deviantart.com/ ]]
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