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The notes of Serras-Kai
RP character
Name: Serras-Kai
Means: Greatest of Heroes
Race: presumed human
Home: unknown
Weapons: Hinarite-Vice (Sword of the banished,) Viftin-neficite (divine right)
-Silver catastrophe
Creates a huge ball of molten metal. When the ball is disturebed, it will annihilate everything near it. If fully charged, this spell could destroy the world. Only works for Serras-Kai.
For 8 hours, I can make and maintain up to 8 clones, but the time is cut down for every seperate clone.
-Death of a thousand stings
One thousand razor-sharp needles spew fourth from Serras-Kai, and all sting through one's soul, not body.
Pierce spells 1-55 (of 60)
Blast spells 1-101 (of 101)
Sheild spells 1-3 (of 5)
Seal spells 1-75 (of 75)
Heal spells 1 and 2 (of 150)
Serras-Kai was once a cold-hearted an selfish prince. But he was shown a different path through life by a young woman. He did everything he could to protect her, a simple peasent. He would soon, however, go to war with an evil queen who sealed him away for 700 years. He was already trained very well with every type if magic and was an excelent tacticion.
How he escaped inprisonment is still a mystery. He can now be seen, on occasion, wandering the countryside, his sword in his back and his staff in his hand, with the same resolve burning in his eyes. His words are Dark blue.

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