If you aren't using trim skip steps 3-6

If you have any problems with my description refer to the pictures.
1. Select your colors for the piece (I'm using 4 colors for the armor and trim) then use your darkest color (in this case black) to outline what you want it to look like.
2. Remove all of bases pixels (inside and outside of the outline you have made)
3. Now lay down the first color of your trim (if your using trim) at either end of where you want the trim to go
4. Place the second color of your trim next to your first trim color in the direction the trim is going
5. Redo step 4 with your third trim color next to your second trim color
6. Place your last trim color in the center of your trim line
7. Fill in your outline with your second armor color
8. Take your third armor color and fill about half of your outline with it (make sure to leave a thin ring of your second color around your third color to indicate shadow)
9. Now take your final armor color and fill your third color with it leaving a ring of the third color around it
TADA!!!! you have just created your first piece of "Todesauge" style armor, continue the rest of your armor like the tutorial shows, and soon enough you will have a beautiful avi edit.