 Zabuza Momochi was born in Kirigakure and was known from a young age as the "Demon of the Hidden Mist" (霧隠れの鬼人, Kirigakure no Kijin?). This title is a result of his singlehanded slaying of all the graduating Academy students in the village one year, bringing an end to Kirigakure's custom of pitting students against their classmates in battles to the death. Zabuza would go on to become one of the Seven Shinobi Swordsmen of the Mist (霧の忍刀七人衆, Kiri no Shinobigatana Nananin Shu?) where he acquired his zanbatō, which he enjoyed sharpening in his spare time. While one of the Seven Shinobi, Zabuza apparently trained Suigetsu Hozuki for a time, the latter someday wanting to become one of the Seven Shinobi himself. Before he defected, Zabuza was also a member of the Kirigakure ANBU, honing his stealth skills to a great degree.
At some point in time, Zabuza found a young boy named Haku wandering the countryside, and offered to take Haku in as his tool. Haku accepted and became loyal to Zabuza, learning from Zabuza and protecting him whenever necessary. Zabuza eventually attempted a coup d'état on the Land of Water by trying to assassinate the Mizukage. The coup failed, forcing Zabuza and his subordinates to leave the country. In retaliation, Kirigakure sent out ANBU personnel to kill Zabuza, who managed to evade them at every turn. In the hopes of gaining funds for a second coup, Zabuza became a hired assassin, killing anyone if the price was right.
Zabuza does not seem to have any eyebrows, a trait that is referenced to on more than one occasion by others. While this holds true in the manga, the anime mistakenly shows him with eyebrows in some scenes.
[edit] Abilities Being from Kirigakure, Zabuza excels in water-oriented jutsu, the first of which to be seen is the Water Clone Technique. With it, Zabuza can create a copy of himself that does his bidding within a certain range. He can also use Water Prison Technique to trap opponents in a watery cage that they are unable to break out of so long as he remains in contact with it. With Water Release: Water Dragon Blast Technique (水遁・水龍弾の術, Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu?, Viz "Water Release: Water Dragon Missile" wink he can form a dragon from the surrounding water to attack others as needed. The final water-based technique he is seen using is Water Release: Great Waterfall Technique (水遁・大瀑布の術, Suiton: Daibakufu no Jutsu?, English TV "Water Style: Giant Vortex Jutsu" wink , which fires a massive spiraling blast of water at an opponent.
In addition to the offensive capabilities of his water jutsu, Zabuza is fairly skilled in assassinations. By blanketing the area in mist with Hiding Mist Technique (霧隠れの術, Kirigakure no Jutsu?, Viz "Art of Hiding in the Mist" wink , Zabuza can blind an opponent and use his training as an ANBU to find them based on the sounds they make. Once found, Zabuza uses Silent Homicide Technique (無声殺人の術, Muon Satsujin Jutsu?, English TV "Silent Killing Jutsu" wink to kill the opponent without their noticing his presence. This talent with assassinations appears to be well-known, as even the ninja of Konohagakure are familiar with Zabuza's history.
[edit] Death Zabuza is hired by Gato to kill the bridge builder Tazuna. Upon tracking down his target, Zabuza finds that Tazuna is being protected by Kakashi Hatake and his students. Wanting to test his ability, Zabuza battles Kakashi, though through use of his Sharingan Kakashi is able to copy Zabuza's jutsu and defeat him. Before he can be killed, Haku arrives to take him to safety. After he has recovered, the two set out for a rematch. Once tracking down Team 7 again, Zabuza is drawn into battle with Kakashi while Haku deals with his students. Although he covers the area in a thick mist to avoid Kakashi's Sharingan and allow him to use his assassination abilities, Zabuza is restrained by Kakashi. As Kakashi charges at him to deal a finishing blow with his Lightning Blade, Haku appears to use himself as a human shield, fulfilling his promise of being a tool for his master.
Freed as a result of Haku's intervention and not willing to allow the opening Haku has created go to waste, Zabuza tries to slash through Haku's body to kill Kakashi, though Kakashi is able to avoid it and disable Zabuza by stabbing both of his arms. With Zabuza no longer able to battle, Gato arrives and revokes their contract, deciding instead to have his own men kill Tazuna. No longer having a reason to battle, Zabuza and Kakashi end their fight, though Naruto is not satisfied by this. Angered that Haku died for Zabuza while Zabuza has shown no signs of remorse, Naruto lectures him on the feelings Haku had for him and wonders out loud if he, when he grows up, will become as cold-hearted as Zabuza.
Brought to tears by Naruto's words, Zabuza reveals that he really did care about Haku and valued him higher than a simple tool, and that Naruto's words "cut him deeper than any sword". Wanting to repent for what he has done, Zabuza wields one of Naruto's kunai in his mouth and charges through Gato's men to get to Gato, being stabbed multiple times along the way. Upon reaching Gato, Zabuza kills him, and collapses due to his injuries. As Gato's men flee, Zabuza asks Kakashi if he can be brought to Haku, to which Kakashi complies. Being by Haku's side in death as Haku was by his in life, Zabuza wishes that he could go to the same place as Haku, and Kakashi believes that they will be able to go to that place together.