I'm so MAD! >...< GRRRAH!
Ok...so today I got yelled at all morning and then i went to the liscense office to get my permit renewed and had to do it twice because the zip code was wrong and my dad put my brand new striped pants in the dryer and they shrank down a size so they don't fit anymore and i just recently bought them then my mom said it was my fault for not doing my laundry sooner but i was gonna do it as soon as we got back from the liscense place but then we went to the store so i wasn't home as soon as i thought so I'm very upset right now!!!!
*gasp-gasp* long sentence with a hundred misspelled words in it! >_<
I was so angry about today that i was crying! i CRIED because i was so mad! GRAH! I"M STILL ANGRY! >...< I'm madly in anger with the world right now!
---a very insane with anger Invader_Champloo! >_<
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