Random Quiz:
1.whats your FULL name? Diana Marie Del'Monte Fischer
2.what color is you hair? Dark-brown almost black
3.what color is your underwear? different colors
4.do you wash your clothes or does your mommy wash them? both, it depends
5.do you like somebody? kind of /=
6.do they like you back? who knows
7.do you have a cell phone? yessir
8.are you gay/bi-sexual? oh yeahh LMAO
9.how old are you? 15
10.what color is your room? white i guess
11.what was your last beverage? last night i drank water
12.what kind of clothing do you wear? different kinds
13.what are you[ganster,prep,emo,ect.]? Diana, you should try it (:
14.do you type fast? i guess
15.where were you born? Virgina Beach, Virgina
16.what is the word you say the most? dood and fer sher
17.how tall are you? 5' no"
18.what city do you live in? Milton...unfortunately
19.what sports do you play? none at the moment
20.do you like peanutbutter? yepyep (:
21.do you drink? only on Sundays babeh! [:
22.do you smoke? ewe, thats a negative D:
23.do you take pictures alot? all the time [[[:
24.have you ever been streaking? nope
25.do you go to church? yessir every Sunday, unless something comes up biggrin
26.do you like to dance in you underwear? chea
27.do you eat veggies? yep they are grood =P
28.do you like dora the explorer? nopee
29.do you have animals? yessir! [:
30.do you like to swimm? sure do
31.do you look at your butt in the mirror? only when i get ready for something
32.do you through rocks at people? because? nope, whats the point? to get them thrown back at you???
33.do you like pretty eyes? yessir, turn on! =P
34.are you a virgin? chea biggrin
35.are you single? yepyep [:
36.do you live with both your real parents? yessir
37.do you watch jerry springer? i used to all the time with my lola, she loved it!!!
38.do you wear lip gloss? does carmex count?
39.what is your favorite song? i don't have one...but for right now ((spur of the moment)) let me pull a song out of my random music hat---> Are You That Somebody, By Aaliyah <3
40.do you like kool-aid? YESSIR! =D
41.have you ever been raped? sure.....haven't
42.do you have acne? chea, ick! but idc i can keep control over it. so it's not THAT BAD!
43.are you kool? isn't that a cigarette? i don't smoke, so yeah i guess i am cool.
44.do you wear headbands? yessir all the time
45.are you addicted to myspace? not really, i'm more addicted to my friends. they are the only reason i get on here.
46.are you a freak in the sheets? i have no idea. if you mean weird dreams then that'd be a yes. razz
47.have you had oral sex? wth?
48.are you a video game nerd? CHEA! <3
49.do you hit yourself in the head with empty coke bottles? hrm...that'd be a negative.
50.have you ever snuck out? of course.