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What I Write ...
I woke up with my Dad and step Mom fighting... yay. stare Like always. Ok... im not saying that my life is terrible but I have alot of problems. [[I usually dont tell my personal stuff, I just feel like writing it down]] My Dad left me when I was born for about 8 months. He left to go see his other son Trevor which is my brother. He cheated on my Mom whenever she was pregnant with me. My Dad came back and said that he had made a mistake. And I cant believe that my Mom forgave him. That was just going to make things harder for her. They got married when I was four but then divorced a year later. It was pretty hard on me when my Mom took me away from my Dad but I was just a little girl. The years go by with little problems. At the moment right now he is going through Marrige counseling. Him and my step mom have been together for 8 years. But then my Dad had to be stupid and go off with all these other girls behind Dana's [[Stepmom]] back. Then my Dad got this girl pregnant. My Dad never told me until the baby was 2 weeks old. I cried with joy when I found out but confused. I had always wanted to have a sister but I was not accpecting it to be like this. Dana found out about this baby... and now they are in a BIG crisis! I just cant handle it.. Its so upseting.. cry

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Jun 28, 2007 @ 02:03am
omg that really is sad
it made me almost cry
that story reminds me of broken bridges the movie

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