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View User's Journal

I wish I could find my way out of this maze.
Doo de doop. Too lazy/tired to type much of importance. I'm an awful long distance runner, did you know that? I can't run the mile in or under 11:30, which, lucky for me, is the time limit we have. I might wear this pretty, long white skirt that mum found today while going through some boxes. Meh, I'm trying to get into white and color again. I have been wearing more color for a while so yeah. Black gets very boring, plus it's limited. Like my current avatar. She's wearing white and light purple, something that I would do if I had the clothing. I really don't know why I'm typing any of this. Sarah Bebe was really hot today. I mean, she usually is, but today was just like.. wow.. Anyway.. Another pointless entry. I wonder, does anybody actually read these? [The infinate question is "Why?" Why does any of it matter? Should it matter?]

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