there once was a butiful princess and the ugly step sister who studers and her speachless mother her father suposuvly died at sea but everyone nies he didnt how could an ice dragon die at sea that turned to ice about a year ago the beutiful girl from her mothers side got the good looks of her mom and the "kindness"(better believe it her father is nice though)of her father she got the good life she got a handsom kind prince charming that she didnt even like she got him because she knew her sister liked him crying.Paus sister comes in HOLD IT this was made for me ok so enough of her and to me leaves room...ok back to story now we will go to the sister she was jelous she made a plan tthe next morning she made cookies with a secret ingridient neutralshe gave them to the gordgus man and her sister was suspicious so she grabed one from the half with the secret ingridient in itso did alan(the prince)when they finished they both forgot they were in love sort of.....she told the princess that she was not in love yet and she told the prince that he was going to ask her out that night and ask to marry her(before the potion he realy loved her but was made to marry the beutiful princess.well he didnt now she was part dragon be continued ninjaninja