A battle is a battle no for death not for hurt or somthing bad thing, it for putting the rights what i believed my battle is talk some one out the trouble and take them into brighter place they hope to be guilded, sometime people don't want any help because the depression which all you shouldn't be because one thing i've had pick my own battle to help people not hate, hurt or kill some one but show that friends can be side with them don't turn your heart in to bitter sad place just smile and thing the good thing in the past the light is comming to you remember the parten had been alway been there nearly all your life they had did some good thing for you, me i was spoil brate hehe whee sorry i thought about my past it was fun i wanted go back but now i'm older to understand the world we had been in and you can return to your parten but for white people well..... i know they kick there kids out when they turn 18 all the time.... whatever but your parten had great caring heart even they are old (like grandpa or grandma) doesn't mean they will forget you they can forgive what you ever you said to them heart alway be there for you never forget the light is still live on
P.S the light is one of my battle i pick is some one is down the point of this is one thing to let people see what we will say ather you acctedt say didn't like what your mom or dad say in bad words
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i'm sorry about my orgenal file i can't get it the emil avtive because i deleted so i have to created new emil
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