Anime Mid-Atlantic 2007
This is one of the best cons I've been to.
I bought tons of neat and awsome stuff and got a STEAL of a price on my favorite anime! ($75 for three DVD box sets?! No way!)
I didn't do too much. I just shopped and played video games all weekend. It was great~
I got a total of 108 pictures of people at the con~ If I had a scanner, I would upload them.
Anyway, my first day (friday) I went dressed as Elena of the Turks--because I had a Reno and a Rude hanging out with me that day~ xD
Second day, I dressed in my mom's Korean party dress. It was fun. x3
Third day, I was just dressed up. xD Black slacks and a blue Chinese dress + kitty ears! Did'ja see me? x3
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