First dream:
I'm in this boarding school in the middle of a large city, very dark twilight, gray, rainy, horrible storm out. The boarding school itself is just a tall square building, brown on the inside and outside, though more decadent on the inside than the outside would let you beleive
The only part I remember of this dream, is having to hide from some soldiers, by finding all this corridors
I remember running down the main entrance hallway, took a right, turned into the 'elevator', crawled out the top, saw an air vent on my right, took that, hopped down into this hidden chamber
It's like a two way mirror to see into the main hallway, so I'm freaked out at first, until I realize they can't see them. I turn around and on this pedestal is a book. I read the entries:
Something about a Rose Snowball (I blame the snowball part on Neopets)
And then as soon as I start to scroll through some military documents underneath the book, they burst in.
Faces are covered, they're in rain gear, so I know they want to take me outside.
I let them grab me by the arms, and one of them basically wraps me in a bear hug, and squeezes hard, expecting it to subdue me. I 'let it', and rest my head on his shoulder, having 'fainted'. Once we get outside, though...
...He forgot that his gun was on his belt. So I grab that, which makes him let me go in order to grab my hand before I shot him in the foot. Pistol whip him in the nuts and duck to avoid the bullets aimed at me. They realize they'll hit their comrade and don't fire, but I take off running.
I run through the rain down a few city blocks, taking rights and lefts and all sorts of them to have them lose me. I soon realize, looking behind me, that I have a green floating robot thing with a giant eye in the center. Just sorta bobs up and down and floats at me. I grab it and tell it to close it's eyes, and just float upwards. Scared of being at gun point, it does so, though, since it's my dream, it soon turns into small angel wings, which I close my eyes and let grow, lifting me over the buildings. I can't so much control my ascent-It's enough power just to get off the ground, but soon I realize I've been shot, and pass out.
Dream 2:
Wake up in some forest, deciduous, trees less dense near the lake on my left. Lots of sand for the shoreline instead of your usual drop off. Though I blame that on the fact that the place we were could've been an old playground.There's a particularly large rock, almost like a wall, in the middle of a large pit of sand.
I'm just enjoying the bird song, the sunshine, this little, somewhat chubby white girl playing with her dark skinned 'boyfriend' (they were like...6, it was CUTE)
Then the birds stop. The kids are on the other side of the rock, and they're not chattering and giggling happyily anymore. I hear the girl scream, and a man curse. Rush to the rock and peer around the other side.
Two soldiers are there, dressed as officers in a burgandy and black uniform. One's black, one's white.
The white one strikes me as similar to someone I had known in real life. Glasses, pinched nose, pale, short, spiked blonde hair, thin, he looked CRUEL.
The black soldier had thrown the girls companion against the rock and cracked his skull. The white guy has a sword out and is trying to beat the girl, though he's laughing. (sword = in sheath)
I look around for a stick that's not rotten, but I don't find one. Walk out there anyways.
White soldier drops the girl and walks over to me, twirling his sword all fancy like before putting it back on his belt. Stands real close to me and looks down, pushing his glasses up, grinning.
Black soldier grabs the girl by her arms and keeps her bent over, arms behind her back.
Bent down as if I'm going to kneel (as we were apparnetly supposed to do to soldiers of higher rank), and he crosses his arms, smirking, thinking 'Yeah, she's in submission now~". Throw sand in his eyes and roll out of the way. Find a stick on this side, turn and duck under his sword, though he's temporarily blind, and rush up to hit him in the windpipe with the stick, pushing it in with both hands.
His companion pulls the girl's arms and makes her scream. By now I can see the girl is bleeding through her nice magenta dress. Though, since I looked over at her, the soldier had time to hold his sword against my back, which means that if I apply anymore pressure to his neck, I'd be pushing myself against the sword. If I applied less, so he could breathe and talk, I found he just held me there.
So, of course I question why on earth they're picking on small children. The black soldier responds that their parents hadn't paid their government fee's (not quite like taxes), but they would if their little precious'es were harmed. I look to the white soldier, but he's just grinning still, his eyes red from the sand.
KittenEngel: I drop my stick, to let his defenses down again. He's not so easily fooled this time, but when I don't move for a while, he pushes me towards his friend.Grab his friends sword on the way down, hop back up and rush at him. Sword fight ensues.
The problem, though, is that the sand is filled with random ant hills. And they are BAD ant hills, under the ground, though you can't see them, so that makes them all the more dangerous; it just takes one sword jab to make almost a black swarm come out.
So white soldier and I are debating in our sword fight while black soldier makes off with the children.
Slashing me down and into an ant hill, the white soldier chuckles and takes after his comrade. I'm distracted by all the ants on me, but when I got them off, I followed him down the dirt path that led to a city street.
There was a concert going on, though, so the soldiers blended in with all those that were just there to make sure it stayed safe and government-friendly
I'm getting fainter and fainter, and the sword I'm carrying isn't helping my image. Dueling is forbidden by the government, most especially with its soldiers
I see the soldiers heading onto the 'tour bus', towards the back. I make my way to the stairs before falling forward and slipping out. Head meets concrete = pass out.
Dream 3:
He brought me on the bus. Apparently he liked me too much to just kill me flat out, as was the law, or maybe he wanted to take me back for something. I don't know. I don't want to know what he did to me while I was passed out, and the dream didn't tell. I just know I woke up with my head on his shoulder, an arm around me.
I learned by his conversation with his friend, when they thought I was asleep still, was that his name was Nick. He had remembered me from the boarding house, how I had kicked him in the nuts when he was still a master sergeant, how he had, after recovering, sent his spotbot to chase me down. How he was so glad when I was captured, how pissed off he was when he learned I had escaped the aslyum or whatever they had detained me in.
I realize then what I had been wearing: Almost like scrubs, but white, and tattered.
The girl whimpers next to me (we're in the very back seat), and leans over on me for comfort. She knows I'm awake. I wiggle my fingers for her to take my hand. She does so, but the white soldier pushes her off and onto the floor as the bus jolts to a stop. The members of the band had gotten off much earlier, so she just slids to the front. I hit the back of the seat in front of us.
The next thing I know, I'm dressed in one of the officer's uniform, my chest bandaged, I'm cleaned up, hair cut, etc. I'm standing outside a 'training' area. It's like a big cave, but the surroundings around it, well...There was a nice pool in front. Beyond the pool was woods.
There are some new officers there. A brunette one, olive skin, much shorter than blonde white soldier, and he looks kindly almost. <--Closest reference I can give you to white soldier.
((Only his eyes were much wider. With glasses. Anyways.))
I'm still confused in the dream. There's another man, a general, in front of me, and a hispanic looking woman-Lt. General beside me. They keep addressing me as 'Nick's Girl'. I hold my head with one hand and shake it, and the general in front of me backhands me for being 'disrespectful' to him by not remaining at attention. I mumble a comment about where Nick got his cruelty from...
They say that Nick was in the cave, somewhere. My job was to hunt him down, and bring him out. I asked if I was to be given anything before hand. The General said no, and motioned for me to be pushed into the cave, but the kindly brunette slipped something into my hand as he shoved me in. Bars clanked down, locking me in.
Another door starts to clank down over it, giving me less than 30 seconds to find where the next turn is, and if there are any trapdoors to crawl through. There's a timer beeping off somewhere. My only clue as to where to go-The echoes on the walls. But instead of heading towards the beep like they want me to, I avoid it. If the beep wants me to go left, I go right, etc. I find a red light up ahead on the wall. I stand under that and check what he had put in my hand- A red vial.
Smells like roses.
Eventually, after a lot of maze searching, and secret passage-way finding, I find myself behind one of the walls that had been towards the front of the cave. It's very very similar to the one at the boarding house. There's a rose snowball there, though, instead of a book. I go to drop some of the rose liquid on it, but there's an explosion from where the beeping had come from.
Someone grabs me and pulls me off to the side and into some revolving rock as the wall behind me also crumbles, which would have revealed me to the officers
Realize it's Nick, and push him down. Find a gun against my head and just stay there, sitting on top of him. He motions me closer with his other hand. Having nothing else to do, I decide to temporarily trust the b*****d, though as a safe guard I kept my hand near his belt. He starts to whisper in my ear, but his gun falls away.
(I have to think hard, Nothing made sense after this.))
Realize that it was the Snowball that had power. The vial gave it more power, giving it that rosey scent.
The brunette officer had wanted me to pour the scent on it, to make it powerful. He was part of a faction within the military that was there to undermine the government.
I check Nick's pulse- For some reason he's dead. Had they drugged him? I didn't see any entry or exit wounds on him. I felt sad- I had wanted to deliver the blow to the cruel fiend, though he had saved me the military's full wrath by pulling me away before they saw me with the snowball.
Stand up and retrieve his weapons, check for ammo. Take his glasses and put them on myself, stepping out after all the commotion had ended bout the snowball.
I look around all "What...? What happened?" and they see me with his glasses-realize no one could get those unless he was unconscious or dead, so they cue me in as 'one of them', that the snow ball and yada yada...
It's a big weapon or something @_@
So anyways, the brunette soldier and the hispanic officer lady pull me aside.
KittenEngel: And I have no idea what exactly goes on next. More or less, there's a small skirmish, and the big General dude that had hit me earlier, ends up in the pool, holding a very blonde girl in a long white dress underneath the water, almost to purify her. Against the cries of the brunette soldier, I step in to 'save her' (teehee, i r hero!~), but he has two hands, and I didn't quite realize how big this guy was. He just shoved me underneath the water with the girl, though I didn't get very far before I realized that the other girl was 'dead' as soon as I hit the water. As I'm 'drowning', with the nice sunlight playing on the water, I see two clothes options before me. the white girl's dress, and the red and burgandy officer's uniform I had been wearing. Choose the one on the right, the white dress.
The brunette soldier pulls me out and wraps a towel around me. The skirmish is almost over. The large general had been reduced to this frankenstein-ish monster (of the movie variety in actions and method, and size). We attack him with water guns.
He's reduced to this floating water melon sized bundle of what appears to be overlapping plastic discs, with a small hole. I fire the last of my water into the hole, killing him by sinking him.
Go to the other end of the pool. Everyone is trying to make everything make sense, but I'm dazed by something, so nothing is making sense. I just know that they try to tell me Nick was bad, but not so bad, because he was their comrade. He just enjoyed to hurt people. Everyone but the brunette agrees. I just stay held against the brunette. He whispers to ask me if I still have the vial, so I produce it, but upon opening it, the sunlight grows more intense, and I just slowly black out.
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Mostly just dreams now
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