heart heart heart Thanks go to all the friends that helped me
Loveless_ritsuka_soubi {aka L}
Pixie Dixie Kitten
Lamia - forte {aka saix}
IceKit {aka axel/ Ice-chan} heart heart heart
whee Y'all are the best. i was freakin out major big time about this hacking thing, and thanks to you four my problem was resolved in like...2 days! xd goodness in heaven i love my friends! i promise i'll pay you guys back as soon as i can! 3nodding so thank's again! i luffles you all to pieces, and remeber, a ninja owes you one, so that counts as a kickass favor when you need some help. wink
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Demon Chaser
umm...violent. English, and my hobby(one of them) well, enjoy, and look for me around Gaia if you like it, i'm thinkin about becoming a storyteller
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