well like I said above working for a living sucks and well I just don't like it. I work at this applebees as a server and I make vary little and work to hard to get that vary little pay. And little kids that come in with out an adult don't think that you have to tip someone just fro bring out food and drinks at there little whimpers and I just want to strangle them i don't make to much if they don't tip me and with gas being so high and car insurance being outrageous I just want to kill my self. NOT really just thats what i feel like doing some time. Anyways Another thing is that I work and go to school and by the time I'm done with that I don't have time to see my friends or talk to them cause they are in bed or at a party .I have some good things though like I'm fostering 10 kittens and there mother and there getting bigger and bigger everyday. well thats all for now write to you later.
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