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The journal of Kyanzaki that's what it is, and that's that....
Return from A-Kon 18
Just got back from A-Kon 18, it was actually nice and cool at the same time...this time I was not actually trying to find a plan...however...I'm very satisfied with what I bought...especially my Iroha model I bought...[for those who don't know who Iroha is, she's from Samurai Spirits: Tenkaichi Kenkakuden.] and a couple of Artbooks [All three Color Walks from One Piece, A Bleach Artbook, and the Animation Compilement to Tenjho Tenge.] But All In all I did well and I kinda stepped into my boundaries when I bought the Iroha model, but I liked it so much, I bought it...heh, oh well back to work in the morning...I'll post pictures up on tomorrow evening.

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