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My Journal
Just a Journal.
Awesome Days (#2)
Here's what happened today...


Wow my history group has a major case of ADD. If we get an A on this project... we've all agreed to slack off on the next project and see what happens then Nice logic, eh?

Carolyn and Kayla came to pick me up at 10 something, then we drove to Andover to see Jame's Lacrosse game, then drove back to Mario's and ate some pizza. I don't know what it was called, but there was a pizza covered in cheese and chicken and broccoli and it was absolutely scrumptous(sp?). Anywho, we went to Kayla's, had a pillow fight, fought over the bed in the basement (a.k.a. the Fortress), started to work, but was interrupted by Nate.

Knowing that we couldn't get work done together as a group (isn't that sad?), we decided to crawl back to our little holes and do our work separately. Caro dropped me and Nate off, and now I am here. I swear I'll do my work. AHH I'm so screwed... I have to read two chapters from the textbook and some more from the big fat 5 lb book! -__- I'll get started on that now...

Oh, and I need a shower because I SMELL LIKE OUTSIDE.

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