I lost some wait.... about 2 pounds. I was 106 before and now I'm 104... I'm only 4'11 so that's why I don't weigh 130 like normal people. But, I'm solid for a short 8th grader.. My mom said she is going to fatten me up if I lose anymore weight. I don't realy know why I lost the wait, but I thinks it's cause of my game DDR (Dance dance revolution) I'm able to play on standard now, but I could use more practic. DDR's music is OK but they could use better music. Maybe I lost waight cause we have to tumble and role in PE now. I learned some flips and I never new I could flip.... we were suposed to do some kind of side fip, but I did a front flip on accident and I scidded on the floor alittle and my coatch laughed at me alittle. sweatdrop I have broozes and soars now though. Lol it's realy fun to watch other people try to do the flips cause some of them are realy clumsy. Well, I need to start working on my 2 projects now...... xp whee
Rinoga · Sun Apr 10, 2005 @ 08:24pm · 2 Comments |