Sex: girl
Birthday: jan 24
Siblings: 2 Brother, 1 sister...
Eye color: hazel
Shoe size: 6/7
Height: 5'3"
What are you wearing: green tank top,tan capris,and tommy hilfiger flip flops
Where do you live: clinton...which sux monkey balls...
Righty or lefty: right.
Can you make a dollar in change right now: nope...
Who are your closest friends: Kellz, Zil,
Best place for a date? nowhere...they always go terribly wrong^.^
Where is your fav place to shop: Hot Topic...
Favorite kind of plant: man eating black rose^.^
Fave Color: black and red
Fave Number: anything w/ 3 and/or 7
Fave Boys Name: gage
Fave Girls Name: alydra
Fave Sport: Swimming, Volleyball
Fave Month: october...heehee,i love halloween
Fave Movies: Silent Hill, HOSTEL,Pans laberynth(btw,pan is the faun's name)
fave Juice: white grape
fave Finger: my middle finger...
fave Breakfast food:none
Fave cartoon character: dont got one
Given anyone a bath: my lil sis
Made yourself throw-up: about 6 times
Gone skinny dipping: maybe...
Eaten a dog:nope
Put your tongue on a frozen pole?: well...i do any dare im told so probably...
Loved someone so much it made you cry?:sad to say it but yes...omg...kellz,ur gonna laugh when i tell u
Broken a bone?:yes
Played truth or dare:yes...
Been in a physical fight: every day since i was three ^.^
Been in a police car: yep
Been on a plane: nope...
Come close to dying: yep...almost as much as i fight
Been in a sauna: No.
Been in a hot tub: yes
Cried when someone died: yes
Cried in school: noperz...i dont cry in front of ppl
Fell off your chair: not enough fingers to count
Wait for someone's phone call all night:yes
Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: no.
Saved e-mails: yes.
Fallen for one of your best friends: Yes...
Made out with JUST a friend?: ummm...not tellin u
Used someone:yes
What is...
Whats your good luck charm? my skull neclace
Best song you ever heard: fantasy by:30 secondstomars
What's your bedroom like: uhhh...however my lil sis wants it...she'll be there longer than me
Last thing you said: yeah
What is beside you? packing tape and an ash-tray
Last thing you ate: a sandwich
What kind of shampoo do you use?: garnier fructis
Best thing that has happened to you this year: finding out someone likes me^.^
Worst thing that has happened to you this year: being here
Have you had...
Chicken pox: yes
Sore Throat: YEs.
Stitches: yes
Broken nose: probably
Do You.
Believe in love at first sight: i dont believe in TRUE love at all...that takes trust...which the world has been drained of
Like school: more than home...less than the cemetery
What schools have you gone to: 9
Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: nope...its probably poisoned
If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you:probably desi, eddy,kellz,and zil^.^
Who was the last person that called you: liz
Who was the last person you slow danced with: i dont dance
What makes you laugh the most?: killing things...
What makes you smile? playing god of war 2
Last Person..
You yelled at: ZIL...
Who broke your heart: will
Told you that they love you: no one
Is your loudest friend: yeah...probably me
Do you/Are You:
Do you like filling these out? Yes.
Do you wear contacts or glasses: contacts
Do you like yourself:
Do you get along with your family:my brother...nic
Stolen anything over $50: im not telling u
Obsessive Compulsive?: most definitely
Anorexic?: hell no...i hate anorexics
Suicidal? not telling u that either
Final questions
What are you listening to right now? the air conditioner
What did you do yesterday: play jak 2 and god of war 2
Have you hated someone in your family: my mom...and uncle
Got any awards: do belts count?
What car do you wish to have: i dont want one...
Where do you want to get married: cemetery
If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?:my boobs...they get in the way...
Good driver: fairly
Good Singer: i dont know...depends on who u ask
Have a lava lamp: yepperz
How many remote controls are in your house:4
Are you double jointed: some places twisted
What do you dream about: oh...god...dont make me think about it...
Last time you showered: about an hour ago
Last time you took a bath: i take showers...
Scary or happy movies: scary...
Chocolate or white chocolate: hate chocolate
Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: root beer...dr.pepper scares the hell outta me...
Mud or Jell-O wrestling:'s jiggly
Vanilla or chocolate: Vanilla
Summer or winter: winter
Silver or Gold: Silver
Diamond or pearl: Diamonds.
Sunset or Sunrise:sunset
Sprite or 7up: Sprite...
Cats or dogs: demented cats
Coffee or tea: tea
Phone or in person: in person...
Indoor or outdoor: outdoor
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Tag,you're all it.muhahahahahahahaha...
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