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life is only a mystery to whom does not know the meaning.
A fan fic for my best friend hannah

chapter 1
The half-demon transfer

"huff huff, sasuke this fight isn't over yet!",said naruto. "huff huff.same for you.",said sasuke. "guys can you please stop fighting?"said sakara. huff huff whatever."said sasuke. "huff huff. sure sakara.",said naruto."huh?... were is kakashi-sensai?,"asked sakara." i dont know.," said sasuke." whats this on the ground?,"asked naruto. naruto lends down to pick it up. "huh?...what is this?"asked naruto. "I-its a shard of the...the shikon no tama."said sakara. Naruto and Sasuke looked at sakara. "what is a shinkon no tama?,"asked naruto.
"the shikon no tama is the known as the jewel of four souls.It is also know as the shikon jewel and sacred jewel.when the soul of the person who posses itis evil the jewel become tainted. when the jewel is in the hands of a pure souled being the jewel is purified. Are you keeping up?,"asked sakara.
"interesting.,"said sasuke. "wow" said naruto. "well I will now continue. the four souls are arimitama, kushimitama, sakimitama, and nigimitama.also know as shin, yu, chi, and ai. Arimitama presides over valor, kushimitama prsides over miricles,sakimitama presides over freindship, and nigimitama presides over love.A twisted of evil spirit is called a magatushi.A true spirit is called a nagatushi. for the evil soul its not esy the get on to the right path.for a person with a pure soul its easy to stay on the right path."said sakara.
"how didyou come across such information?,",asked kakashi. "oh...kakashi- sensai.", said sakara. "how long have you been there?"asked sasuke. "sinece sakara said shikon no tama."said kakashi. "hmmm...well I had a scroll on the subject."said sakara. "well anyway we have a new member. her name is serena."said kakashi. "oh please just call me syuri."said serena. startled sasuke, sakara, and naruto all turn around to see serena standing behind them. "kakashi you best go over the stats with the rest of the group."said serena."yes you right. okay we need to help get lady silverwind back to edo, japan safely.this is an A-ranked mission.syuri here is from japan. so she should be of some assistance."said kakashi.
"really? that's interesting.what village are you from?"said sauske."i came for the village of the hidden oni. i transfered due to the fact that im unable to use the jutsu that my village has. im a half-demon. dont worry im not a spy. nobody from the village of the hidden oni know about this village.besides this village did a background cheak on me already. you have no need to worry."said serena.
a person ran up to kakashi."kakashi I have some bad news. lady silverwind was killed by itachi.",said hosiyomaru. "hey!! hosiyomaru!! you going to pay for destroying my clan!!die!!!!"yelled serena."well then, lets see what your made of. 1min thats all you get."said hosiyomaru.hoshiyomaru ran at serena. serena doged the attack. "iron rever soul stealer!," yelled serena. "gahh.",yealled hoshiyomaru.
hosiyomaru attacked."gidyu shoten ha!"yelled hoshiyomaru. "force feild!"yelled serena. serena sent the attack back at hoshiyomaru."fire bending jutsu!"said serena. serena killed hoshiyomaru in that instant. "w-what just happened?"asked sakara."hmmm... it apperes syuri killed him in a very painful way."said kakashi."lets go.it appers that our mistion will never go though" said sasuke.
so they all headed back to konohagure.naruto and serena were eating at the ramen housewhen they heard a loud bang. naruto and serena payed for there ramen and left to find out what it was.a few mins later they heard vioces out side of konahagure.at the location of the loud bang. "INUYASHA YOU JERK! SIT BOY! SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT BOY", yelled kagome. "Gah!",said inuyasha. "hmmm? whos that over there?", asked miroku. "you there show your selves!". said songo.
serena and naruto walked from behinda tree into there view.miroku walked up to serena and grabs her hand. "excuse me young miss , but would you consider bering my child?", asked miroku.sango hits miroku on the head with her hirikostu. serena takes a few steps back. "thats very flatering, but i cannot except.",said serena. "who are you guys?,"asked naruto. "oh...im kagome and this is inuyasha,sango,miroku,shippo, and kirara."said kagome.
"hello and its nice to meet you.im serena aka syuri."said serena. "im naruto uzumaki. Im going to be the next hokage. BELIVE IT!"said naruto. "oh yeah,I belive you. I belive that you are a dumbass.'"said inuyasha.

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