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Xypha's Gaia Online Musings
Plot Ponderances
Well.. got a journal here.. not sure what I'll do with it.. but remembering Gaia happenings via a journal seems like a good idea. 3nodding

Going 'Huh?', along with everyone else, about the two (atm, unclickable) Gambino Mansions, in Durem and Isle de Gambino. Am glad the admins didn't wait more than a week to reveal what happened.. the potential death of 4 NPCs was still a lot to grasp.. even for someone who won't say so on every forum like me. whee

Unsure of what to do with my anti-helson sign. Guess the only reason I donated to the eventual 'Tower of Gambino' fund was that Gambino seemed more kind than the Von Helsons.. and fortunately, even after I learned of his previous poor treatment of Gino, I don't regret my decision.

Aside from items.. the Von Helson's don't seem to care about anyone but themselves. stressed But I may end up eating my words later, because you know what they say: "The road to hell..." sad

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