Holy Cow! BridgeChan Won Eighth in the avatar Contest?!
![User Image](https://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c65/BridgeChan/Misc/adminor4.jpg) ![User Image](https://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c65/BridgeChan/Misc/WinnerBC8th.jpg) This is how you did last weekFor week 21 of 2007 (May 28, 2007)
Title: Dragon Half - Mink Score: 8.5448 Total Ratings: 1448 Total Comments: 387 Rank: 8
Meet Mink, the hyper fire-haired teenage daughter of the world's greatest dragon slayer... and dragon! With the blood of both human and dragon flowing through her veins, Mink’s life is anything but ordinary -- especially since she’s in love with d**k, a musical dragon slayer! With enemies at every turn (including the half human/half slime princess Vena), Mink must try her hardest to win the affection of a man who wants nothing more than to see her dead. Can she win the guy without losing her life? Comments you received: claudiasv16028 Cool
Bunai YES you're in! ^_^V this is about as accurate of a cosplay as you can get. not only that, its a great look overall.
sephirothgal 10'd
christopher27a2c5 Good
World Auir 7
siirryu ok
rae-chan-sensei Great cosplay! I saw you in the arena forum last week and had to come find you once the voting started. Good luck this week!
peggy9vkcd1 Good
vanessalavigne1604 legal
ElephantFoot ;D
PrincessKarasu Looks good! 10/10
Pyro_dragon_man cool nice I like it and I love Dragons , I think you are cute too smile ninja
funky_monkey_girl o(^.^)o Cool Cosplay. o(^.^)o
Dark_Queen_of_Death SEXEH! 8D
l80a70f17f94v0 Good
moonlight_goddess34 very accurate awesome
~SoniaChan~ 9/10
irarex awesome!10'd
Dragonsphere 10!
bp56 Never seen the anime but it looks a lot like the picture 10/10
Aoi No Neko As soon as I saw that hair I thought of Mink xD Great job 10/10
BridgeChan Thanks for the comments guys ^_^!
xotatiixo It's a really acurate cosplay. I like it. 10/10
Claudia the Vampire Child Really good cosplay! 10/10
Death Pop YES! YES! YES! AND EVEN MORE YES! Certainly one of my favourite cosplays on this site yet. I think I loooove you. And the layering is great, too.
Lady Tatsuhiko Awww freakin awsome I love this anime Totally a 10 :3
SteelAngelMimiKon I love that anime. Nice job!
BlackDelta I like it a lot x3 very good
Gonza_zinox 10/1 ^^
[r]okr [k]id that's a pretty cool avatar o________________o; xDD jay kay. luff it. like. MAJORLY.
Fukujinzuke Awesome! Now, if you could only do the dance...!
noisebeast Awesome! 10'd.
Animal Crosser GC FTW!
Sho-Totoron Very nice cosplay! ^ ^ 10'd.
Bunny Cakes[MB] This is a spot on cosplay, great job and good luck.
GoddessOfTheGods Nice cosplay! 10/10
Teak Gemini Nice cosplay! It really matches the picture!
BridgeChan [img:cff06d4716]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c65/BridgeC <br>han/dragonhalf04.gif[/img:cff06d4716]
Darkside_Anime nice job 10
Angry_angry_Jane FTW!
-HevenSent- wow you look just like her!
Organization XIII Member 10!
kegami cool...
Brit Brit 123 haaha! nice! 8/10!
Deafblood Perfectly done.
Ivy Arum Very, very well done. The hair is a good choice for Mink, wild and fiery. Smokin! Sorry. . .Just, good job.
exclamation_atena bump
An-chan 4 eva This is the best cosplay I've seen in a while!
Amadori 3
Ellie teh Magnificent I don't think the zombie skin works all that well, but the rest is great. 8/10
X_rainbow_pocky_X cool!
RaccoonEyed Amazing! Gah! I love her! 10
Chachibenji I don' think it works. The eyes are off. I mean, the colors are right and everything but it doesn't look right, 4.
DKfunk wow that is awesome
sherriezipd85 ^_^
Shinobi Anbu Kiba nice
p3rs3ph0n3_666 O_O Cool
Rexar411 So hot! lol
dragonsfist357321 thats great acurace
IrkenAlchemist This pretty great! Very accurate!
Lady Bern This is the best Mink I've yet to see!
`Darling Great job! Good luck [10.]
biancaa cool
Eolian the dyauss yoiu did a really good job on this.
Blackhearts-ect 10
TwilightAngel3.0 cool
WaterNymph0 Very nice. Good luck!
Panic! Attack you could have used regular red eys but this works. 9/10
BeautifulEnvy Lol, it actually looks like her!
shaky manson you look awesome!!!!!!!!10
Star of the Twilight Never seen the show, but awsome cosplay. 10
FireonIce Very cool 3nodding
knnight nice u also may have this
Ao-chan You are my hero! gonk This is such a terrific cosplay, from one of my favorite anime of all time crying If I could give you 1000 10's I would xd Great job!! heart
amandamaru she's HOT smile
amandamaru she is HOT
Cherry Flavored Cocaine Dragon half is ******** awsome!@!@! I love you for making this!
wolf_aya this is awsome!!!!
FallenAngelKiya whao that actually looks like her. great job 10
SheWhoCorrupts thats a really good cosplay
luvergal Win
Vaizard - Shinji Hirako waw.. very nice...
setomaru Nice.
ill end lives Love it
Stained Sunday Never heard of it. But from what I can see, it's a good match. The skin color is the only thing that seems off, but it does look good and matches the uh half dragon theme.
Gofer_Goddess OMG...that is freaking awesome. Too bad the series is ssooo short! 10/10. Wish I could give you more than that. heart
sekiria-azael XD
jeffconan ORIGANILItY IS THE BEST!!! 10
Mariku Hime An excellent cosplay with the items on here. 10
shokia 8
ruemute cool
Tyuru I love her!
Kittie2038 Absolutely great cosplay! Doesn't look as if you could get any closer! 10/10
Mobius08 Wow, now THAT is cosplay. Show it off at the Gaia table at Fanime!
awesz nice
Stick_it_with_a_banana! Wow it's so cool!
Shuriken-STARZ SO CUTE! So KAWAII! Loving it!
Disasterful lol kool!!
Gotama_Enma Oh wow...*is in awe* 10'd
Aine Yukimura1 10
xXXxTiFFanYxXXx cool
xPRETTYxINxPUNKx This one looks very well done. ^^ 10/10
Mia Lavinia -giggle.- It actually looks like Mink. I'm a big Dragon Half fan, so I'll give you 9/10.
Badgerkin Cool! biggrin
lilminxrox kool!!!! nice likeness!
Merina Lopez OMFG! This a prefect cosplay! I love it! heart 10/10
Wings of a smelly git *poke*
Notturna I have to admit, that's a very accurate cosplay! I'm not favourable to cosplays, however.
mogman Yea I think thats about as close as you can get to that... Although the hairstyle you picked looks like a guys hairstyle... I know its the closest choice...
jaceystarfire cool
dragon bound omg I luff Dragon Half! You get a 10 for perfection. Wish I could give you a + 3 for doing a creative cosplay *is sick of all the bad Little Mermaid & Narutos*
Lenend_Master okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk??????????????????????????????? ???
Elzarus Cute.
noodle nutter kitty san =oooo i love dragib half this is really good i luv it!
Pink_Is_Amazing Wow, this is pretty acurate. Nice job
InvincibleMoon wow she looks kinda evil!
nimotoxic_revenge I love it its awsome
Zamzummim Wikkid. : D
Makairo The God Nice.
TheNinjaWay nice
chibikid123 10~
emo_boy_Glen wow! nicely done!!! 10/10
Midori_Mori Cute heart 10
Jubei Kamikuro Nice.
Check_Raise 10'd
Enoriea top Q cosplay
bright_orange_muffin Win! lol@dancing pic
OvenFresh That is so cute. &3 xDD
AhnLove13 OMG that is the best thing ever! I love Dragon Half!!!
shadow_dragon051 no clue what ur talkin bout, but it looks good compared with the pics
ScarieFarie Great job! 10!
c0ff33 great cosplay.
Kitty Zombie I don't know the character or what she's from, but lookin' at the pictures, I'd say this is a pretty kickin' cosplay.
Lycoris_chan Nice cosplay!! 10
[.Chikara.] Wow, that's some of the best cosplay I'd ever seen. 10!
M.I.S.S. Lee nicely done with the resources you have. cooool 10/10
mushroom_road awesome!
megsaroni88 Even tho I am not familiar with the character, this is a good avi. I hope you win this week!
peaceful-rain you got me interested! what will happen?
Gnay 10
Satsuna-chan this is a cool cosplay!
Misitic99 pretty cool
dreams_of_my_hero very good cosplay. i'm a fan now ^_^. 10'd.... rate back?
[TLG] Tiki Good cosplay but... : / ew.
cambrylyd I don't even really like anime. But I love this.
[[ladyluck]] 10'd!
Hans_Liebkin nicely done
[-Jan-] That's an awesome cosplay!
abc_gum Nice. 10.
Sakura+Nikun awww
BridgeChan Thank you all for the lovely comments guys ^_^
Invaderserena lol great i love her 10/10
Pyro_dragon_man Hey nice with the avi smile ninja
Technospace OMG! SO CUTE!X3 You're officially awesome. biggrin
dark0012 gud
RoughNight69 love it all..
Kyle2651 wtf omfg lol ok nice sweet wicked alsome wickdedly cool
trollfaice lulz
littlelollita how cool!! 10/10!! that would have never occured to me... lol and i love mink
[ Bakayuki ] 10
azn_dragon_girl the skin is too pale
Rin Kisaragi Chan 10
kiss_of_death1369 nice avi
Devils-Vampire it's the real thing! I must say. You made a great job on it. for that I will give you a 10. You did great. Love it. She is so cool.
Sikuyi-chan wow I love yours ^^ it's really cute and does look quite like her 9/10
Mirazuki How accurate! 10!
Sakura Mitsuro OMG I LOVE MINK!!! 10!!!
1qsdr5 it so cute
DrakenAmnelDeundr the best ive seen thus far you should win it
waxzsq so cute
Shefura uuuh its Mink! 10 for you!
Ashka-chan nice
gamer014 When I first saw it I thought it was just another dragon/human avatar that's been popping up alot recently. But then I saw the anime pics and you did a pretty good job. Looks alot like her, too bad we can't animate our avatars ^_^ would help out alot in these arenas.
Silver666fang Great job!! you did very good 10/10
Gaaraslostfriend ow.Thats cool.10/10
michaelgjgau1 -_-! nice to meet you guys
MizzGwGirl very good ^^
fortezerox very very nice
Wurt aaah i like that anime 10/10
ovel118 i saw that in a video 10
Pretty_Jules1 Excellent cosplay. ^_^ 10/10
Niwachan162 that's pretty accurate
Mononoke Cosplay whoa looks just like her! Just wish I knew the character xd
Chu_the_Oni o.o That outfit leaves ALOT to the imagination. :3 But I like. Lookit her dance! You pulled this off almost perfectly, but I don't think you needed the Mithrills on your arms...And you woulda had to delete your avi and give it red eyes, which, if you had done, would make this one of the most accurate cosplays ever. (Lighter skin, too)...Sorry for the long-a** comment. I'll shut up and give you a 10.
nyemazatzo cool!
temari of akatsuki very nice
nanachi good job!
Monterssor cute
Beautifully Ruined lol niice
edware11 wooow... esta horrible
akoaymule cool the picture really matches your avi
Kagura wind goddes wow, it's looks great! 10!
DisillusionalPrincess THAT'S SO COOL! 10/10
AishaLove O_o
FoxTailPalm I agree with the 1st comment, its an awesome avi and very original. 10/10. Good luck.
Kisa Sohma =D AWESOME JOB! owo
eliu_kaka22 yes kool pic add me
Migz La Flaga Nice...
Seto_ Kaiba#1 jhkh
T H C Nicely cosplayed.
`copycat Yeah, this is pretty much brilliant.
mangshra You so have a ten from me!!
imhellakewl looks alot like it, cool
Ariison u look just like her
RaveToTheGrave most accurate ive seen. 10
Kiba Okami Starwind Awesome!
bossy-biatch her eyes on the anime are good but the eyes here are quite not so good.
`Critz` COol
Hallee OWeen Very good cosplay!! 10!!
La Bijou lmao!! you look just like her! heart
CUTEKITTY14 Ah, I love Dragon Half and your cosplay for mink is very good. Rate = 10
Meymi LOL
Gk_15 looks good........^_^
kiba inuzunka so pretty XD
Sidda Lea wow.......really good
Kiisseli aww XD &3
Itachi689 nice! il give a 8/10
x_rikku sphere hunter_x I don't know what this anime is but it looks just like her! o.o 10/10 vote back?
chirp chirp Wow, well done cosplay!
NotSuitableForFraming Awesome.
Corrie in Car1399 I like it! Plus it looks EXACTLY like her! 10/10
blood pentence cool
Dragoness Arleeana awwwwww, so CUTE! You get a 10 from me! ^_^
tra_93 .....
green_sparkles44 LOL
Foxxy Rin they eyes are... well... you didnt have to use the demon eyes ^^; 9/10
Nymphetamine13 I love it,10/10 Goodluck. Buhbye now.
PRO SKATE BORDER_88 background: none; } #header { display: none; } #profile {background: none; } #sidebar { background: none; } #site { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 754px; } #profile .avatar { filter: GLOW(color
Truegaarafan 10
[kara neko] nice job!! ;D 10|10 comment/rate back, please? ;J
NakuruBlossom Wow you look exactly like her! But maybe you should use different eyes &&
xrainbowditzx good impression! 9/10!
setomaru 10!
Rock400 excellento
W i z a r d xD Thats awesome so proud of you!!! I hope you win!! 10 emo hearts from Wizzy!! &3 &3 &3 &3 &3 &br&&3 &3 &3 &3 &3
dark_angel12_16 awesome! never have seen the anime though but it looks really great. almost identical to the picuture. 10! i sooo hope you win this biggrin
queen shippo nice
sora fangirl CUTE IDEA TO DO its looks just like the anime character good cosplay 10/10^^
Alpha_Prism Interesing. never heard of before, but it really looks like you know what you're doing! 10. vote me if you wish to.
choxie_chick Weird.
love-inuyasha-93 to cute
The Nympho ...
atsasana7 umm....
Pyro_dragon_man 3rd time hope you win and I still think your avi cute smile
xl19koala91lx Wonderful!
Pyro_dragon_man 4th srry had to like I said I hope you win and I still think you avi is cute
girlynarutogal just like her
Kairi911 8, it's really cool
mdlsrgam interesting !
XHopesxDreamsX lol
myEthics nice
Audioh Wow, great job! smile It really looks like her, except for the zombie skin x)
The Vervian ooooo so hot!!!!
xox-crimson-lullaby oooo How I /really/ like this, Its about as good as you can ger darling ;D YOU GET A 10!! I have a question though, Fo I have never seen the series.. .. How did she get boths bloods.. I mean.. Who was the dragon, and who was the parent.. and why did they do it?
matthewl2r7w Good
MagicWinks ehmm.. O.o
Miss Pea You just got 10'd!
travisn712y Nice
[-Erik-] ooh, I see o: I bet you'll win this time :3
Emiile oh, it's almost exactly like the pics! her eyes scares me for some reason... 8/10
jest530261 Comment for gold!
LKM2 nice
hum501268 Omg this is interesting 10/10
4yk4 nice but her eyes... :/
[.Aki the Muffin Man.] This is P.E.R.F.E.C.T. ! Pretty Entertaining Radiant Foxy Elegant Cool T-eh best. Great job!
Takiainen Very nicely done cosplay!
kurisutaru geiru Perfect cosplay! A ten from me!
-[ Hang the DJ ]- Cute! I always wanted to watch that anime. ^-^
wind707 cool
Insanity624 Wow! Impressive!! I've never head of this anime; but you got it down pat!
Pomples Awesome!
NejiHyuuga757 o...k
Amilopectina OMG, I dont know that anime...but you did an excellent job! I like the chibi dance! ^^!!! 10/10 Good Work
Pyro_dragon_man 6th time so I hope you win and I still think your avi is cute and I'm sure that you are cute too smile
john67830o Good
Unnatural~Gummi~Bear4 Cute
nichole911 very good .i like the outfit.1000000/1000000
DariusEdge Sexeh
geekie-boo cool beans...10! 10! woot woot!
oceannn sorry its very ugly crying
`Darling I don't remember if I already commented you telling you I loved it. But in case I haven't, I will:: I love it.
FIZBAN311 As funny as that show was with its two translated episodes, the cosplay is really simple, and the Occulus Magica red eye pose doesn't work quite well for it.
Animefan4x pretty accurate
Evil Green Frog NICE JOB
Empress Katerina looks like the picture.
Digo 411 hehehe sweet
cowzombie very accurate! great job! 1o/1o
Runya_EithelNar Very good avi exclaim biggrin
AmericanMule thats pretty good
flaifire lol, awesome cosplay. So old.
aki_chan_desu Beautiful cosplay! It looks really nice! Very accurate too! 10'd!
MistyMoutain13 Very cool! 10/10
MikiSohma This cosplay is amazing. Almost to the T! Great job
Buai if this doesnt win...something is up ^_^
Doremi1234 ^^
Sacerdote_Azteca nice
deathsam ten!!!
KatT3hKittyW0lf the skin and the eyes aint so good but you've been 10'd
mizuna_nagano i see it... shame you can't make the avi's thighs bigger to match, tho. 9.
vhunter nice, i like it
Capn Morgan OMG! 10! 10!! 10!!!
xo.Angelz.ox Gah .. cute they look exzactly alike !! lol.. xD so cute !!
Saw-point Nice cosplay, you really look like her^^
rikishi_21 10!
Master Kuroine Well THAT'S great! surprised m 10/10
[Vhaan] nice cosplay ;D
Vision In the Darkness really accurate cosplay! 10'd
Light_Yagami921 her royal cuteness
littleladylove wow, that is almost identical! loooovee it!
kiki_rawr good cosplay
La Bijou Joo look just like her~ heart 10
locospoza Great cosplay
achie12 great
starkespada realy good
x_Allen_Walker_x great cosplay!
jtspammed ok...
Skyguide evil but se.....
Ajawara 10
mizanimation oh! she's an anime character! wat anime is this?! looks pretty cool! i wanna watch it! is it god?! she looks so kyoote!^_^
Sasuke31Uchiha wow thats kool
Kankuro raped me AWESOME
animo360 nice cosplay!
IvySan [i:aa01969c5a]Very[/i:aa01969c5a] accurate! biggrin And original! Fantastic job and good luck!
animo360 i think the eyes should be less....evil...
Pszczola_M nice smile
Shrouded_Destiny 10
Zepp Tokyo NICE! It looks just like her!! TEN!
Tentomushi13 Haha, ii love this, its soo cute!
Alu Lotumee That's a wonderful Mink cosplay!!!!
Yareyareshika Yayness!! A totally original cosplay!! I love it!! Very cute and accurately done, you get a 10 for all that effort!!
san_kenshin nice nice
AnnEEm Pretty accurate. 10/10
Shin-ju looks like her for sure
AnnEEm Pretty accurate. 10/10
[.Fuuma.Kagerou.] Nice
` Daidouji Tomoyo It is very accurate! 10! the second picture is so cute ^-^
mrs_wallis Haha, cute!!! I don't know anything about that character, but you did a great job from what I can see!!!!♥
lostinaction nice you got a 10 in my book you nailed your mark!!
Scorchy Scorch cute love the icon tee hee
The Atomic Corn Nut Wow, that's really close. 10'd!
Mystical_Waters_of_Death Wow, looks so alike! 10/10
Ocarina dude wow. that's incredible.
~Solar Goddess~ Lol, she's just SO sweet!
Craig_the_Vampire Looks pretty darned close, aside from the skin color...but awesome job!
JoelleTravianaOx 10
Lozfreek good job =D 9
Einblick de la Lune Thats a pretty cool avatar. But imo it clashes a little too much and you should definalty get yourself an OMG
Urex This is REALLY good! 10!
Kyosuke the Wolf 1010 thats killer
Laleija Love it. xD
B e e n a ahha, that's cute!
lily301091 10
e-imi I LOVE YOU!~
-nadH.Ra- Not really... 4/10
Kunialicious Nice.
Psycho Kitty Alchemist 10/10
Ranelli Dragon Half is the best anime ever ^___^ 10/10 and not just because i like the theme, very well excecuted.
phantomsamurai very nice
dark.not_evil I have that on DVD!! XD 8
RoiMustangu wow looks just like her!
Pyro_dragon_man 7th time as always hope you win and I sitll think you'r avi is cute smile
Ximik14 Very accurate!
Dan Li cool! great cosplay!
Sharingan_Knight kool
himura^-^x 10
S u g a r h y p e Wow it looks exactly like the picture. 7/10 Rate me? &333
0fairy-wings0 awesome!
Chi_Kuroneko83 LMAO!!! Very nice
Smell Hallelujah good job. but a different shade of skin, like pink-ish, might be better.
Silent..PSYCHO Im loving her..nice job excellent..sexy..!
xXTeh Emo Love FairyXx GREAT JOB!!!!
akatsuki_ninja Zomfg! ITS MINK!!! 10!!!
t-rex899 Cool story and Player
icey-queen Wow! It looks just like her! 10!
[Blood Phoenix] Wow, that's pretty sweet!
Hathor_21 Lol i just love Mink and saucer-sama!! i will give you 10!!
hotpinkhandbag Very nice, as accurate as you can get!
sethblast nice thats prety awsome i relly like it
AngelaAshford Wonderful job! 10 ^_^
The Tire Master nice
Uchiha-Sazuke 7
- -Orange Posion- - this is good!!!
riku-kun sama cool!!!!!!!!
Zrana I LOVE IT!!!
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