ok, ok, before you rant about this:
1) i know, they're related.
2) I know, it's a really random pairing.
3) I know, hanabi is younger than neji
Just listen: Hinata dose not love neji. Hanabi does. And besides, Neji doesn't even like hinata. He and hanabi get along better anyway.
But... You can't not not stop me from not liking them together. heart

plus..... they're SO KAWAII TOGETHER~!!!
1) i know, they're related.
2) I know, it's a really random pairing.
3) I know, hanabi is younger than neji
Just listen: Hinata dose not love neji. Hanabi does. And besides, Neji doesn't even like hinata. He and hanabi get along better anyway.
But... You can't not not stop me from not liking them together. heart

plus..... they're SO KAWAII TOGETHER~!!!