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>Opening File 53092 S.A.M.S.U.N._V1.0 ...
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Special Armored Mobile Sniping Unit "Narrow" (S.A.M.S.U.N.) V1.0
Armor: 1/4" Irotanium alloy
The Irotanium alloy it is made of is specifically designed to be strong but light and able to take some fire during retreat. It is not meant to be a full combat capable armor and will fail should the wearer attempt full defensive tactics.
Armorment: 1: saffron V1.0 pin point rifle
The saffron V1.0 rifle was created to focus a soldiers element into a concentrated slug which penetrates with force enough to easily incapacitate a target at longer ranges than the soldier can produce themselves.
Maneuverability: full
Special features: heat masking fibers woven into the armor lining, long range communication pod
Weight: 20 LBS(full armor)
The samsun V1.0 or "Narrow" is a form fitting over armor designed to fit the normal S.H.I.P of the wearer and is designed to aid a long range scout or sniping unit. It's capabilities are formatted to sneak attack tactics and light combat. Carrying a COM-POD the soldier wearing the narrow can report back to the HQ with his/her findings immediately. Easily hidden in most terrains the narrow is perfect for single operative spy missions or single target assassinations its panels can be custom arranged for its specific mission at the time. Its maneuverability makes it a difficult target and its lack of heat signature makes it all the more harder to destroy.
Unfortunately the "Narrow" V1.0 lacks heat or night vision capabilities. another drawback to the narrow is its lack of a short range personal communication array so working in teams is not much of an option.
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