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Doma Yuset
I love Yugioh, although some may think it is geeky. I write Fanfictions about it, read some too. I also like to talk about cats, other cartoon, and lots of pointless random stuff.
Well, I havent been writing in here lately... Lets see what has happend to me.

=D My IZ fanfictions is getting very popular! Sadly, I am brain dead with Yugioh. I have to put thos on hold for a while. -sniffles-

D= I found out, my art kinda suxs compaired to others. Maybe if I focused more on my fanfictions, the stress of drawing will go away.

DX I made a comic and never finished inking it. Plus, I dont have a scanner, and I grow tired of the school one. I may have to wait till next year to upload anything real.

D< I friggin hate the fact gay people can't marry! I also hate people think I'm gay because of the fact! And there are idiots who think drugs are OKAY! WTH?! AND DONT GET ME STARTED ON PERSONAL SPACE!

~ blaugh ~ I made cookies last night.

User Comments: [1]
Community Member

Mon Jun 11, 2007 @ 11:45am

That sucks your Yuugioh fansfics are on hold, but good your IZ ones are running blaugh

Your art does not suck! D<

Sucks for the scanner D=

YAY for Canada! Even if gays can marry here though, doesn't mean everyone accepts them. Take schools for instance... =(

W00T! Cookies! heart

User Comments: [1]
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