Beacuse that's the
Only thing you can do
love is a symbol of eternity
it wipes out all sense of time
destroying all memory
of a beginning & all fear of an end
I live for those stupid moments
With friends that when
You try to explain it to someone
They think you are complete idiots
life is full of years that mean nothing
and moments that mean everything
N there is that occasional night
Wen u breakdown n cry
Bcuz u no that no matter wat,
Things will never b tha same
& there will always b those awkward
moments wen we look at each other
& remember how things used 2 b ...
He Probably Luvs Her,
I Said Twirling My Hair N Staring At Them.
He Was Holding Her Tight N Something
Bout Tha Way He Held Her Made Me Believe She Was Important To Him.
But Then He Saw Me Looking.
His Grip Loosened A Little N He Looked Down Shamefully.
I Turned N Started Walking Away, He Never Did Follow
Staring at your photograph,
Remembering all the times you made me laugh.
I never thought i'd miss you this much <3
Although you may not love me,
although you may not care,
if you ever really need me, you'll know that i'll be there..
your love may be taken,
your heart may not be free,
but when your heart is broken,
you can always lean on me... ill never stop loving you,
i know because i've tried.. all the oceans in the world,
can't hold the tears i've cried...
Life was so much easier when our only worries--
were that recess was too short, decisions were made by
enie menie miney moe,only skinned knees brought tears,
boys were yucky & had cooties & good byes meant til tomorrow..
i feel like an idiot searching for you in the halls
& then when i finally see you, i turn the other way
Don't find love; let it find you. Because
that's why it's called falling ... You don't mean to
you just do.
Those days where you IM me first----> are the best days of my life!
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The only regrets you should have in life are the chances you didn't take.
Not Even Kodak Can Capture All Our Moments...
me without you is like
a pot head not high;
a plane that don`t fly;
a best with no buy;
a hooker with no luck;
a hoe that don`t suck;
a slut that don`t ********;
a nerd without braces;
To Her, Hes Everything
But To Him, Shes Just Another Girl
I Always Knew Looking Back On The Tears Would Make Me Laugh...
But I Never KNew Looking Back To The Laughs Would Make Me Cry
You Asked Me Wat Was Wrong & I Said Nothing ~ Then I Turned around & Whispered Everything
didnt realize how much i
loved him until he was
standing there && he wasnt
mine anymore
Be sure to take a picture of every great memory
cause photographs don`t change the people in them do.
You look, He looks and you Walk away
WONDERING If yours had the same affect on him
here's to the kids who's
11:11 wish was wasted
on the one person who will
never be there for them
I keep running from all of
the challenges in life?
but I realized those make up
who I am and will always be.
He'll never know that
all those love quotes in
my profile are about him...
i must be a pretty good liar ?*
for you to honestly ___ think
that everything's alright.
&& you know theres something there when hes all you think about.
Guess Its Gonna Have To Hurt
Guess Im Gonna Have To Cry
& Let Go Of Some Things Ive Loved
To Get To The Other Side
I Guess Its Gonna Break Me Down
Like Falling Wen Ur Tryna Fly
Its Sad Wen Sometimes Moving On
With The Rest Of Ur Life Starts With Goodbye
Do U Ever Sit && Think Wat If?
Wat If U Had Never Said That First Hello
Wat If Ur Pathes Had Never Crossed
Wat If U Had Just 5 More Minutes
Wat If U Could Turn Back Time & Make
It All Stand Still
Where Would U Be?
Better, Worse, Less Confused, More Confused,
Happier, Sadder, Just Wat If...?
Its Funny To Think That After Cryin For 2 Hours Straight,
Scratchin Ur Name Out Of 10 Different Notebooks,
Rippin Up Ur Pictures & Notes, Deleting Ur Screen Name From My Buddy List,
& Blocking Ur Phone Number...That Im Still In L0VE Wit U </3
I Really Wanna Avoid Those Weird Moments Wen Were Wit Each Other && Remember How It Used To Be
Dont worry-u still mean everything to her but your just not worth the fight anymore
Id rather be blind ;; then see you happy with her.
We used to be so close..
But now we can be standing
right beside each other and
it feels like we're a million miles apart
i will never be over you.
im just getting better at hiding the tears && smiling when i really dont want to.
i cant stand the way you look at her.
i know what youre thinking. i know what youre feeling.
i get that same feeling when i look at you.
you dont have to be together for him to break your heart.
& i would do anything for one more chance with you
in a moment, everything can change
take too many pictures, laugh too much,
& love like youve never been hurt because
every sixty seconds you spend upset is a
minute of happiness you'll never get back
SUMMER'06: nights you'll always remember
with the people YOU'LL NEVER FORGET
i must have been absent the
day they taught us goodbyes
She Says She Doesnt Care
But The Look In Her Eyes
& The Tone In Her Voice
Tells A Different Story
*The girl who seemed unbreakable-Broke
The girl who seemed so strong-Crumbled
The girl who always laughed it off-Cried
The girl who would never stop trying-Finally gave up
Sumtimes I Wish I Could Just Fastforward Thru Life
&& See If All Of This Is Worth It
You May Not Know It
And I May Not Show It
But Why Cant You See
You Mean Everything To Me?
We used 2 b able 2 talk about everything but now its impossible to even start a decent conversation.
You cant deny it, things have changed;
we have grown apart & u have 2 face the fact that i wont be there every time u need me.
The truth is wat it is- i dont have anymore respect for u as an individual-now your just another face in the crowd
I still remember tha things u sed
They replay bck in my head N ur
smile u used 2 send my way is wit
me all the time I remember all tha things we did,
back 2 tha first time we met The memories r all i have left- How could i forget<3
Theres always somethin u will remember bout ur past that keeps u hangin on <3
Isnt It Funny How Wen U Want Him Tha Most,
U Cant Have Him... & Wen U have Him...
U Dont Care & Once U Lose Him...
U'd Do ANYTHiN To Get Him Back<3
S0metimes even wen ur havin tha time of ur life,
u cant help but stop & think bout how much u miss tha good old days.....
Sayin good-bye isnt tha hard part,
its wat we have 2 leave behind thats hard<3
Sumtimes there is no next time,
No second chance, No time out~Sometimes its Now or Never
Its Funny How Wen U Go Thru A Year,
Nuthin Seems To Change But Wen U Look Bck, Everythin Is Different
Years From Now, I Wont Remember Every Friday Nite
Or Tha Things That Made Us Laugh So Hard Our Stomachs Hurt
But I Will Remember That U Were Tha Ones Who Was There
Tha only reason people hold onto
memories so tight is cuz memories
r tha only things that dont
change wen everythin else does.........
Life Doesnt hurt til u think bout how much things have changed n who u lost along tha way<3
&& Im Afraid-Afraid That I Might Never See You Again
& I Wont Feel Tha Same About Any 1 Tha Way I Feel Wen Im With You-Afraid That You Will Find Some 1 Else
& Feel Different For Some Other Girl
& I Will Just Be An Old School Memory..........
The Hardest Part Of Walking Away Is Knowin That You May Never Look Back.......
&& Slowly As Tha Years Go By, U Lose Friends U Never Thought U Would
I used to believe in forever,
but forevers getting awfully short these days.
She Takes Tha Old Notes & Throws Them Away...
She Looks At Tha Old IM Conversations One Last Time
& Clicks The Delete Button...
She Takes One Look At All The Pictures & She Tears Them In Half...
She Takes One Look Back At All The Memories & Realizes Wat She
L O S T .......
Sumtimes all we can do is smile & move on with the day- hold back the tears and pretend we're okay............
Its so sad realizing two people
who were once so close barely speak a word anymore...
Its Funny How Wen U Go Thru A Year, Nuthin Seems To Change But Wen U Look Bck, Everythin Is Different
I Just Wanna Call Him Up & Be Like "Take It Or Leave It"
But Im Afraid To Cuz I Have A Feeling He'll Leave It Cuz He Doesnt Need Me Like I Need Him
& she ignores all the other guys who want her
because shes too busy noticing him
i saw him the other day for the first time in months.
i mean, i've seen him recently, but today i really saw him.
me looking at him, him looking at me, right in the eyes
& straight to the heart. & i could feel it.
i could feel him & it was amazing. it's there between us.
i just wish he wasn't too afraid to see it.
you're talking to this girl who has:
laughed, sobbed, loved, cried,
smiled, yelled, screamed, sang,
and has made it through it all
it's so easy to believe someone
when they say exactly what you want to hear
sometimes i wonder
if i'm better off alone
When a person ignores you, that's when
they need you the most in their life.
smile for the camera. you
look so pretty pretending
nothing`s wrong.
she's sitting on a bridge gazing at the water
she's too scared to jump, yet so afraid to stay
when you look at me, its like
youre secretly trying to tell
me not to give up.
I'm starting to realize that we live in order
to change someone else's life
if memories could tell lies
then all our wrongs would be rights
and we'd bet our lives
on things that we should stay away
I thought to myself he's the last guy
on earth that would ever [ l o v e m e ]
Just trying to hang on
when everything's falling apart
God made ( you )
then he made Me.
then he whispered
we lie to ourselves because
the truth .. well the truth
just ******** hurts
maybe life should be a little more like myspace
you can only comment someone if you're a friend
Take nothing but photos,
leave nothing but footprints,
kill nothing but time
life is full of years that mean nothing
and moments that mean everything
don't take photos.
photos mean that you're
gunna be looking back on
a good moment. photos
mean that one day,
it'll all be over.
remember when we first met?
we laughed and smiled together.
it was a perfect moment
and we didn't even know each other
You dont really understand a quote
untill you've lived through one.
live every moment like
there will never be a
s e c o n d c h a n c e
I'm not supposed to love you,
I'm not supposed to care,
I'm not supposed to live my life wishing you were there.
I'm not supposed to wonder where you are or what you do.
I'm sorry, I just can't help myself, I fell in love with you.
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