Life's A b***h n A Ghost Appearently....
I HAVE 3 GIRLS IN MY HOUSE. KAREN(23) ESHA(21) N ME(20). BETWEEN US THREE WE HAVE 4 DOGS, 2 FISH, 2 RATS, A MONITOR LIZARD, N A BALL PYTHON. WE STILL EXPECT A FERRET N TURTLES...OH YEAH N AT LEAST 1 GHOST......Some1 please tell me y at 5am when i should have been gettin ready 4 work(or at least sleep) i was recruited to find a 3ft savanna monitor lizard???? im not a mornin person, neva had been but this was just wrong. when 1 of my roommates went downstairs, she discovered that T-rex( da aforementioned lizard) or T, was out of his tank. which by da way is ******** impossible. we finally found him in he cool but now we no that sense esha is stressin(her baby nephew has cancer), karen stressin(her job actin crazy),n i'm stressin(i thought i was bout to lose my job ova a technicality) da ghost is feedin off da energies. n yes i said ghost. last time we were all stressed we left n when we all came back it had opened all da doors except the front n back, even da locked 1s. kinda creepy but as long as its benign we're we just gotta keep it from lettin da animals free...