What the hell?! I took a 12 minute shower. My showers vary from 1-5 if in a hurry and 5-15 in regular. 15 is pushin' it though- when I totally space out and weird things usually happen during this time- no, nothing pervy for you idiots thinking that T.T I can see your faces, so I know how some of you reacted to that. Get your heads outa the pimps gutter that some whore took off for you. I got "reprimanded" for taking a ******** 12 MINUTE shower! I mean, my usual is 10 and there's a CLOCK RIGHT ON THE WALL NEXT TO THE SHOWER!!!!! I usually check my time and I got yelled at right when I was TURNING THE SHITTY FAUCETS TO THE OFF POSITION!!! I mean, come on! I know what's going on more than anyone else! I'm the one that has to comfort and listen to everyone! No one really realizes it and it makes things even harder on me. Another thing--- I've been waking up at 4:50-5:00 for the past couple weeks! Also I've been having to ride my bike back and forth to school everyday! Since I live in the old part of town (the part that was the starting place then was spread out from there to create the whole city) It's not what you imagine, the old part looks nice, it's just been lived on the longest. Anyhow, it takes about an hours' walk to get to school and about a half hour to get to school on bike. Considering the fact that the teachers have been expecting people to be at the school BY 7:15, I've had to wake up extra early because I usually have things I have to do before going to school, and it makes it harder to have my sister (27) visiting since last week and sleeping in my room. That's just the gyst of it. Oh, and did I mention that both my ankles are ******** up, so that makes it harder on me, and my family "sympathizes" but it's "out of their hands" T.T Yeah.
bluevibes · Wed May 16, 2007 @ 04:32am · 0 Comments |