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Some randome quiz

Community Member
What time are you starting this quiz? 6:30 in the morning.
Do you like quizzes? Depends on what it is about.
What is your age? 13
What is your gender? Female
What is your ethnic group? white amarican
What is your Location? Northern California
What is your Eye color? brown
What is your IQ? I'm not sure.
What are / were your normal school grades? Hm... I get mostly "A"'s and "B"'s
Do / Did you like school? Sometimes
What grade are you in? 8th
Are you in college? Nope
Will you be honest about this question and all of the questions? Maybe
What is your favorite TV show? I don't really watch television.
Cartoon? Sponge Bob Squarepants!
Would you download porn? Never in my whole entire life. That's just plain wrong.
Would you download music? Not if it was illegal.
Would you hack someone? No
Do you hack? no
Do you know where you are? In a motel
Do you like this quiz so far? It's alright
Do you have YIM? Nope
Do you know what YIM is? Yes
Do you like The Sims or The Sims 2? Yes, very much.
What kind of shoes do you have on right now? None
What kind of Sneakers/Sandals do you own? Um... I'm not sure.
Do you call it... Soda Pop, Coke, The name of the drink, Pop, Fizzy Water? Soda
Would you drink? Never! no.
...Underage? Never!
Are you a vegetarian? kinda.
Are you a healthy person? I would think so.
Do you excercise often? kinda!
do yuo typo ofetn/ Um?
Could you read that? Reading and understanding are two different things.
When did you last look at the sky? Less than one minute ago.
When did you last go outside? last night
When did you last eat a banana? A few mintues ago
When did you last scream at your parents? ...
Are you a daredevil? Depends on who you ask, I think I would consider myself pretty outrageous when it comes to stunts.
Do you hate the south? Which South?
Do you hate the North? Which North?
Are you religious? Nope
Do you think I'll judge you based on your answers? I'm pretty sure.
Are you a blonde? Yes
Are you a dumb blonde? sometimes.
Do you type in perfect sentences? sometimes.
or do u tyep like this lol? 0fc0urs3 LOLZ
0R wOr$3 DO U 7Yp3 lIk3 t#!$?????!/1/1/1/1 J No. Who types like that?!
Do you judge those that type like that? Sometimes.
Do you judge people? Somtimes, I usually like to keep an open mind.
Do you make fun of people? Only a few people.
Are you planning on taking over the world? No.
Have you taken over the world? I would never try.
Are you in shape? Sorta. Sorta.
Are you fat? kinda, not realy.
Would it be all over if you get fat? Nope.
Is it all about American Idol? No.
Do you like American Idol? Not really.
Do you want to kill your neighbor? No!
What is your favorite kind of clothing? Band T-Shirts
When did you last run around? yesterday.
Do you cry often? no.
When did you last prank your neighbors? Never
Would you prank your neighbors? No, I barley know them!
Would you rather party, or be alone? At a party!
Are you friendly and have friends? Or all alone and misunderstood? I have a few friends.
Or just hate people? I only hate one person in the whole entire world.
Are you racist? Juess, no!
Homophobic? No!
Stereotypical? Only about my brother's school.
Do you hate the above? I strongly dislike people like that.
Do you just lick the filling off of Oreos? No, I like the filling out then eat the cookie.
Do you think Pokemon is about the dumbest thing ever? Not the dumbest, not the coolest.
Do you think Pokemon is about the coolest thing ever? Not the dumbest, not the coolest.
What is your sexual orientation? Straight
Do you dress or act certain way to fit in? No.
Do you think this is stupid? Do I think what is stupid?
Have you ever been chased by the police? Nope
Type your name with your eyes closed. Shanti. Yeah! I did it! ^^
Do you have pop ups blocked? Yes
Do you have a friend name Kelly? Yes
What is your favorite Shampoo? I just use whatever is in the shower.
Conditioner? I don't use conditioner.
Who are you obsessed with? No one.
Do you have any obsessions? no.
If so what? NO!!!
Are you addicted to any drugs? No!
If so what? None!
Are you addicted to caffeiene? no.
Do you consider yourself good looking? No.
Do you have self confidence? Some
...Too much self confidence? I don't think so.
Do you have low self esteem? Not to much.
High self esteem? No, more like middle self esteem.
WAY TOO MUCH self esteem? I'm pretty sure no.
When did you last eat an apple? 2 days ago
What color was it? Red
Do you have a laptop or desktop? Laptop
Are you on your OWN computer? It belongs to my family...
Are you old enough for a job? No.
Do you have one if you're old enough? no.
Are you to lazy to get one? No, not really.
What kind of music do you like? Metal, classic rock and Punk, too.
What is your favorite band? System of a Down!
What is a band you HATE? 50 cent and every other rapper.
Name a random person you know in real life. sage
Name a random person you know from online. Coco For Coco Puffs
Name a random word. Chocolate
What are you doing? Waiting for time to pass by.
Whats on your mind? thoughts
Do you watch south park? I hate that show.
Do you know any wEirD people? Yes.
Are you weird? I think I am.
Are you daring? Yes.
Are you sane? Depends on what you call sane.
Do you have any pets? not any more.
Have you ever been to a karaoke bar? No
Do you know Martial Arts? kinda.
Do you believe in love at first sight? No, not really.
Do you believe in miracles? Sometimes.
Do you like our president? I feel very bad for him.
Is George W. Bush your president? Yes, unforntuenly.
Would you kill someone? Maybe myself
Are you home alone? nope
Would you love someone? Yes
Are you in love? no
Is it going to work out? I don't know
Are you married? No
Are you keeping in mind to be honest? Yeah
Are you afraid? sometimes
Would you kiss someone of the same gender? Probaly not.
Are you a virgin? Yes, very much so.
Do you like food? Love it.
Name a song you can relate too. I'm Not Okay (I promise)
Name a fun song! Elmo Theme Song
Can you sing? Not really.
Name person you hate. One of my older brothers.
What color are the walls of the room you are in? White
What color are the floors of the room you are in? blue
Is someone mad at you? I don't know
Do you ever get mad at someone often that is your friend? No
Are you toxic? What?!
Are you spicy? I don't know, I haven't really tasted myself.
Have you ever dyed your hair? Yes.
Do you highly care about what those who aren't your friend's care about you? No
Do you love yourself? Not really.
Did you take that the wrong way? Nope
Do you take everything the wrong way? No, not really.
Do you have an optical or standard mouse? I have a crappy one.
Do you remember the last time you had jelly beans? Yes! Last night.
Have you ever been on a game show? Nope
Ever been on TV? no
Ever been out of your house? Yes
Ever met a celebrity? Loads of times.
Name someone you love. My mother
What are you wearing? T-shirt and pants.
Do you have pride in anything that other people would judge you for? Yeah, I think so.
Would you support gay marriage? Very much so.
Would you not mind? Why would I mind?
Would you strongly oppose gay marriage? Heck no!
Did you vote for Bush, Kerry, Nader, or not at all? None.
Are you in my closet? You shall never know.
Are you an awkward person? Not really.
Are you stupid? Maybe, I'm not sure.

Which do you beleive in?
Yes or no? No.
War No
Peace Yes
Love Maybe
Sex No
Suicide Yes
Partying Yes
Homosexuality Yes
Bisexuality Yes
Heterosexuality Yes
Dancing? Yes
Food! Yes
Anorexia No
Evanescence Yes
Green Day Yes
Your life? No
Religion? No
Athiesm? No
Making fun of others? sometimes
Shop often? I wish
Love often? No
Been divorced? No
Want a divorce? No
Cheat on someone who thinks you are their soulmate? No
Have good morals? sometimes

Are you...
Someone who loves animals? Yes
Someone who is for abortion? Yes and No
Someone who is for legalization of drugs? No
Someone who sits around all day? No
Someone who spends 8+ hours on their computer? No
Someone who has a life? kinda, yes
Someone who has a cell phone? no
Someone who is secretly in love with a friend? no
Someone who believes in magic? Yes!
Someone who believes everything happens for a reason? No
Someone who believes in life after death? No
Someone who believes in creation of the universe? No
Someone who is prejudice against races, religions, etc? NO!
Someone who is fun! Maybe
Someone who likes Spongebob? Yes!
Someone who wants to have a good time? Yes
Someone who believes in romanticism? Yes

Your atheletic Shoes? tennies
Your casual Shoes? skater shoes
Your dress shoes? skater shoes
Your sandals? Black flip-flops
Your car? plymouth voyager
Most of your clothes? Pants and T-shirts
Your favorite kind of soda? Orange Cream
The drink you drink most of? Water
What kind of books do you like? Adventure/Fantasy
What is your favorite series of books? I don't know, I've read to many good ones.
Do you drink Orange Juice? Sometimes.
What is your favorite brand of Orange juice? Don't have one.
Are you a sibling? Yes
Are you the younger / older / same age? Yonger and older
Are you a twin? Nopes
Would you watch a horror movie? YES!
Does your ear itch? Not really.
Does your head ache? All the time.
Have you taken any breaks during this quiz? No
Can you type fast? Not that fast.
Dooo yoooou tyyyyyyyyyype sloooooooow? kinda
Was that annoying? yes
What kind of computer do you have? Laptop, Toshiba
Are you wearing socks? Nope
Would you feel awkward around a satanist? No
Would you feel awkward around a christian? no
Would you feel awkward around an athiest? No
Would you feel awkward around anyone? Yes
What is the weather like RIGHT now? Ahhhh bright sun
When did you last bleed? yesterday
Do you have braces? No
Do you wear contacts? No
Do you wear glasses? No
If so.. To see? To see far away? To read? I see all
When did you last go to school? November
When did you last hug someone? yesterday
Who was it? ki
Are you bootylicious? NO
Are you mature? Maybe
Are you immature? Sometimes
Do you like to party? Yes!
What is a turn on? Funniness
What is a turn off? Prejudness
Are you aroused by kitchen appliances? WHAT?! NO!
Do you have language problem? No
What's zee quiz like so far? Long
How's life? ...
What is your hairstyle? Down
How does your hair look right now? down, side parted
Do you have clear skin? Kinda
Are you flawless? No
...Are you lying? No
Do you realize that at least one person loves you? No
Do you love someone so much you would die for them? Maybe
If you would die tomorrow, what would you do today? Say good bye to all my friends
Do you live like everyday is your last day? Sometimes
What time is it? 7:00
Do you savor every second after work / school? No
Do you savor every second of life? No
Name something TOTALLY free. My thoughts
Hahaha! Were you breathing automatically? Yes
Now that I mentioned it, are you having to breathe on your own? Yes
If you looked to your left, what would you see? A wall
What do you love? Icecream
What don't you love? My life
When did you last write something with a pen? one hour ago
Have you ever been on stage? Multiple times
Are you married? No
Do you ever want to get married? I don't know.
When did you last dance? Amonth ago
Do you like the rain? yes
Are you having a good day? kinda
Do you have an extensive collecon of music on your computer? No
Do you like prank phone calls? sometimes.
Ever prank phone call the police? No!
Ever streak? No!
Ever Skinny dip? No
Do you take showers, baths, or jump in the creek? all of those
Everyday? no
On the weekend? yes
When did you last brush your teeth? 5 minutes ago.
What time is it now? 7:05
When did you last kick a ball? last week
When did you last hurt someone? Last night
Physically? Last night
Emotionally? Myself
Have you ever killed someone? No
Are you pissed off? not at the moment
When did you last cough? I choked last night
When were you last sick? My ears are plugged right now, if you coun't that as sick.
Are you a cancer survivor? no
When did you last listen to music? Last night
What did you listen to? The radio
Do you live life to the fullest? No
Do you know someone who has taken their own lives? Yeah
Are you a thief, a whore, or a liar? None of those!
Type your favorite song lyric. I rather feel pain than nothing at all.
Do you love clouds? Yes
When did it last snow? A long time ago.
When did you last go to the beach? About a week ago
Have you ever kissed someone? Yes
How did you kiss them? Wouldn't you like to know.
Are you EXTREME?! Maybe
What is your favorite pasttime? Drawing
Day or Night? Night
Name something refreshing. Blood
What entices you? Food
What are you afraid of? I'm not sure
Who is your favorite online friend? I don't know.
Who is your best friend in real life? Rowan, Lizzie, Jarico, and Blaze
Do you own an Ipod? No
What is your parents name? Dev and naji
What is the NAME of your street? What is the name of your street?!
Do you want to go somewhere over the rainbow? Yes
Have you ever been to Disney World / Land? No
What's the best advice anyone has every given you? An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind
What is your life goal? I have no goal
Love or Hate? ???
Do you like life? No
Are you popular? I don't like that word
...Amongst weird people? Yes
How do you dress? Pants and a T-shirt
What is your favorite color? I like the color of fresh blood
Do you dress in Dark / Light colors? Mostly dark

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