This girl was walking with her friend downt the sidewalk blaugh blah blah! Blah blah Bla~ah! And xp Beeeda! BAM! She hit a pole! question Ooooh! uuuuuuuu..... ouch. Then she was all crying and her friend was all talk2hand and then rofl (rolled onto dogsh*t) and her friend was inside like lol twisted but she tripped backward surprised when her friend roled toward her and fell over a bench xp Splat! right into a puddle! stressed She got angry at her stinky friend evil and her friend was all mrgreen neutral I smell. Her other friend went whee and then rofl and started plashing the puddle water everywhere. When they realized what they were/had done(ing). People were like burning_eyes and rolleyes and rofl xd biggrin lol exclaim and if was a very random day. ninja Yeah.... but I don't know them (My imaginary friend told me they had serious mental issues, *they're crazy* I know!) wahmbulance Where's a straight-jacket when you need one.
bluevibes · Sat May 12, 2007 @ 11:23pm · 0 Comments |