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a naruto + hinata fanfiction
Chapter 3 – Confession

Total darkness clouded her vision. The last thing she remembered was the Rain shinobi woman who had her trapped in a Genjutsu, who was yelling at somebody to kill her. It then hit her. While being under the Genjutsu, she wouldn’t be able to know what was going on outside. Not even with her body. Could it be that she’s dead? Could her quest really be ended just like that?

No! She couldn’t believe that. She didn’t even have a slight chance of meeting him again face to face. She wanted to see him even more so now.

Hinata could feel a tear run down her left cheek. That’s when she knew she couldn’t have died yet. She wasn’t dead! She could even feel the wounds she has on her body from her battle against the 4 Rain ninja’s. She was alive!

Slowly she opened her eyes , and stared at the sealing for a second. The light kept her from seeing anything yet, but slowly she could focus on the sealing. It was a rough sealing, with cracks all over, like it would fall apart any moment, but it didn’t.

Hinata then turned her head, looking towards her left, and needed to focus her vision again, just to find she was staring outside a window.

The sun shined brightly, and there was no clouds drifting by at all. The wind was strong however, and she could hear some people talk outside. She slowly sat up, and wanted to look outside till she heard a familiar female voice coming from her other side.

“So you finally decided to wake up huh? Why they call the shinobi of Konoha the best rated among all of the other hidden villages is beyond me.”

Hinata turned her head quickly to see who it was, but closed her eyes as she felt a sharp pain in her neck. She placed her hand on the spot in her neck, just to find a band aid wrapped around her neck, to cover her wound. She then looked up to where the female voice came from, but couldn’t focus fast enough to find out who she was on her own, as someone else walked into the room. As she turned to meet the arrival, her eyes enlarged quickly as she remembers the one just walked into the room. The Red eyes, the pale skin, the red hair, and most distinguishing was his large gourd on his back. “S-Sabaku N-No Gaara….”

Hinata didn’t know what to think. For all she know the Sand might have betrayed Konoha again. If this was true, she’s in some really big trouble.

Gaara looks at Hinata with his cold eyes, and then turned to the dark corner, where the female voice came from. “Temari. How is she?” Temari came out of the dark corner and smiled at Hinata. “With the look she gave you when you walked in, I’d say she’s just fine. Hehehehe.” Gaara turned to Hinata again, and leaned closer to her, sending the shivers down her spine. She was scared beyond belief, and he could see it as clearly as daylight.

“You do not need to fear me. I will not harm you so your safe.” He said as he turned around and walked towards the exit again. There he stopped and turned to Temari again. “Help her clean herself, and provide her with some fresh clothes. A woman shouldn’t reek of the blood of her victoms.” Temari turned to Gaara, looking not so pleased to say the least. “Why me?” As Gaara walked around the corner, Kankurou turned his head around the corner. “Because you’re a girl as well you idiot. Hehehehe.” He waved at Temari as he fallowed Gaara, who turned his head towards him. “You do know Temari will punish you later for calling her that don’t you?” Kankurou stiffens for a sec after realising this. “Crap! I’m in for it now……”

Temari nearly exploded with anger before Hinata addressed her with her calming voice. “E-Excuse me…. I-I was wondering… W-What happend?” Temari turned seemingly still annoyed about Kankurou’s insult towards her, but took a deep breath as she moved to Hinata.

“Hmmmm… Where to begin…. Ah! Yes!” She grabs a chair, and sits down. She takes another deep breath and starts talking. “Well, it’s like this….”


Tetsuo, the last surviving male of his team of Rain shinobi, placed his kunai at Hinata’s throat, ready to slice it open.

To his surprise, Hinata suddenly drops onto the ground as his hands seemed to be forced open, which was holding Hinata by her hair at first. He didn’t seem to be able to move, and as his sight lowers to the strange feeling around his legs, he saw sand covering his entire body rapidly. He was lifted into the air by the sand and as he was turned around he could clearly see Gaara standing below, with his hands aiming at him and his comrade. As he moved his eyes to his left, he saw her also floating in the air, covered in sand.

Gaara narrowed his eyes and was about to kill them both as he was stopped by Temari. “Wait! You should spare one of them. We where send here to find out what these Rain shinobi where doing in our territory, and to do so we need one of them alive.”

Gaara turned to his sister for a moment, and then turned back to the Rain shinobi. “The woman is already weakened, and won’t survive the interrogation methods. She’s of no use to us.”

With a blank expression on his face, he squeezed his left hand into a fist, compressing the sand with his chaka, killing the Rain kunoichi instantly.

Blood rained down onto the ground, and also splattered against Tetsuo’s face. He looked horrified. He just witnessed the awesome power of Gaara, who turned his attention to him now. “Tell me what your objective was within the territories of the Sand. Refuse and I’ll have my sand crush every bone in your body….one by one….” The Rain shinobi suddenly yelled out in pain as Gaara had his send crush the tip of his smallest toe.

End Flashback

Hinata blinks as she looks at Temari confused. “Y-You mean I was saved by Gaara-sama ?” Temari simply nodded as an answer. “Fallow me. I’ll show you where you can take a bath.” Hinata nodded and fallowed the Sand kunoichi to the hospital’s bathroom. “While you get yourself cleaned up, I’ll arrange you some clean clothes.” Temari turns around and leaves the bathroom after Hinata undressed herself and slid comfortably in the bathtub, taking Hinata’s dirty clothing with her.

The sand kunoichi wanders into another room at the other side of the hallway, and laid down Hinata’s clothing. She opened a closet and checks out the contents, muttering. “This girl is rather small. It seems I have little choice but to give her this.” She pulled out a white dress, which looked like the dress Kurenai usually wears. She makes the outfit complete along with some underwear, and putts Hinata’s older clothes in a beg.

Temari hands the bag to an older woman. “Make sure these clothes are fixed and cleaned within an hour.” The older woman nods. The sand kunoichi turned and made her way back to the bathroom, where she left Hinata a few minutes ago. As she approached the door to the bathroom, she saw Gaara standing next to the door. He was waiting patiently and turned his head to his sibling as she approached him. “Gaara ?” “Temari, when she’s done, escort her to the main office.” Temari nods and watches Gaara leave again.

Hinata heard a knock on the door, and turns as Temari walked in, carrying clothes for her to wear. She placed the clothes on a table and turned to Hinata. “What’s your name?” Hinata didn’t know if she should trust the sand. Her father always told her never to tell anybody her full name outside the village. Not even the friendly ones, for even they had their sights set on the Hyuuga bloodline limits. But then, she was alone, and the hidden sand was a home to very powerful shinobi, not to mention one named Gaara. “Hyuuga Hinata. And may I know yours as well?” Temari smirks a sec. Why should she give her name to this pathetic little girl? But then, Gaara told her to try and be as polite towards any Leaf shinobi as possible. “I’m Temari.” She turns around and opens the door, preparing to walk out of the bathroom, as she stops and turns her head towards the young Leaf kunoichi. “I’ll pick you up in about 15 minutes. Be sure you’re ready then.” Hinata blinks a bit confused at Temari. “Pick me up? To go where?” Temari smirks again as she slowly closes the door behind her. “To see the Kazekage.” Hinata looked down into the water, then pulled her legs up to her chest. She was going to meet the new Kazekage before even the Hokage. She was worried though, for she had no idea why the Kazekage wanted to see her, not to mention what kind of a person he would be.

Meanwhile, in the woods, a few hours away from the hidden village of the Sand, Kurenai arrives at the spot where she found the bodies of four Rain shinobi. two of them seemed to be killed by damage to their internal organs, the other two... Kurenai had trouble not to vomit at the sight the other two bodies. “Ugh….. There are body parts all over the place….” She then noticed a backpack lying on the ground, with a few blood stains on it. She recognized the bag right away from the Hyuuga insigna carved in a small pendant at the back. She looked down at Akamaru, who seemed bothered by the sent of blood all over the place. “I know you’re scared Akamaru, but I need you to find out if you could detect where Hinata might have gone to.” Akamaru overcame his fear, and crawled out of Kurenai’s dress, and starts to sniff all around the place. Suddenly Akamaru stiffens and turns around quickly, leaping straight back into Kurenai’s dress He was shivering like mad. The young dog was whining loudly, which confused Kurenai. “I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but I guess I won’t find out before Kiba and the others return.” The female Jounin rested her back against a tree and petted the frightened little dog, trying to calm it even a little.

Two hours went by before the other Konoha ninja’s arrive at the scene. Kurenay nodded the others welcome, as she watched them look at the remains of the Rain shinobi with disgust. She gave Kiba Akamaru back carefully. “I don’t know what’s wrong with Akamaru, and was wondering if you could tell me what gotten him so spooked. It wasn’t the corpses, that I know for sure. It’s something else.” Kibo watched Akamaru dive into his jacket, and felt him shiver like mad. “What’s wrong Akamaru?” His partner gave him a whining bark, which made Kiba’s face look somewhat confused. He looked back at Kurenai. “He smelled the sent of the three Sand siblings. He’s still frightened of Gaara since the Chuunin exams.”

At that time, Sakura walked towards Kurenai and Kiba, interrupting their conversation, while rubbing some blood of her hands with one of the jackets of the Rain Chuunins that where killed more gracefully. “It seems the two shinobi, that where still in one piece, had a lot of damage to their internal organs.” Neji overheard Sakura’s conclusion, and filled it in with a little more detail. “Those two where killed by Hinata while using her gentle fist…. I never saw a killing intend in her eyes before though. I never thought she was capable of taking someone’s life.” The others looked at Neji as if he just told a really bad joke. Kurenai however sighed deeply. Has her determination driven her this far? Then Sakura, who somehow knew Hinata did this and didn’t seem a slight bit fazed about it, continue with her analyses. “The other two have been killed a little later later. Their bodies where crushed and ripped apart by something pretty powerful. And they have bits of desert sand all over their remains. But there is no sign of Hinata.” “I knew it was that Gaara freak! He killed those two other two Rain ninja, and took Hinata with him!” Kiba yells. Kurenai placed her hand at the young shonobi’s shoulder, calming him down a bit. “I think this is actually a rather good thing. The Sand is now allies with Konoha, and so Hinata should be pretty safe right now. We should leave this place, and keep going until Kiba and Akamaru won’t be bothered by the smell anymore, so we could rest for a while. I don’t think the Sand would harm Hinata, and she’ll be safe.”

The wind that day came from the desert, and only fifteen minutes later, Kiba motions Kurenai that he couldn’t smell anything from the site where the four corpses of the Rain shinobi where lying.

The minutes went by quickly, and Hinata just finished dressing herself, as Temari walked into the bathroom. She smirked at the smaller girl, who suddenly blushed, showing her uncertain self again. “Ehm…. I look w-weird now don’t i?” Temari frowned slightly. This Konoha kunoichi was exactly the opposite of herself, someone she didn’t like to communicate with. She also didn’t liked being criticized about what she wears and how she looked. The clothes Hinata had on right now, where the clothes Temari herself had bean wearing about 2 years ago. “If you don’t like it, you could take it off and meet the Kazekage without any clothes on.” She sneared at Hinata. Hinata picked this emotional answer up right away, and lowered her head. “I-I’m sorry Temari-sama” The sand kunoichi turned around, and stared at the her leaf college. She expected to be called a b***h like most of them would behind her back after giving such a harsh answer. This girl just apologized to her in a formality she’d only use herself when she talked to her father or the Kazekage. Temari smiled at Hinata, coz to her, it had a rather nice ring to it, being respected like this. ”Don’t sweat it girl. Now lets move it. The Kazekage is waiting for you.” Hinata nodded, and fallowed Temary as she turned right, walking into the direction of the main office, the large room where the Kazekage works.

While walking behind Temari, Hinata could feel the eyes of the sand shinobi stare at her as they passed by. She didn’t feel comfortable at all, while her cheeks turned redder by the second. She even started to walk a bit closer to Temari, as if she was looking for protection from her. Temari noticed this and turned her head, wanting to yell at her, but saw the disturbed look on her face, trying to avoid being seen. As she turned her head, she saw the exact reason why the smaller girl didn’t feel to comfortable. Temari sighted and started to look rather annoyed, scaring away the other shinobi rather quickly. It seemed her reputation was still holding firm among the men.

Not much later, they arrive, and the two guards open the doors to the Kazekage’s office. “Subaku no Temari escorting Hyuuga Hinata as requested.” She bows and leaves the dark room again. Hinata felt like she’d rather was alone back in that hallway with all those staring eyes focused at her. She was scared. Then the large chair turned around revealing the new Kazekage’s form. Gaara. Hinata took a few steps back till she felt the door against her back. Gaara sighs heavily as she watched the reaction of the Hyuuga girl, and was rather displeased. But rather then attacking her he slowly stood up and points his hand at a chair at the other side of his desk. “Hyuuga Hinata of Konoha, please be seated.” With trembling knees she did as Gaara asked. Though he saved her from the Rain shinobi, she couldn’t help it but still fear him. After Hinata slowly sat down, Gaara did the same. She moved away her eyes from Gaara as she felt his eyes staring straight at her. The silence in the large and dark room didn’t help either. Then Gaara broke this silence. “Hyuuga Hinata, what’s your business within the territory of the Sand? And why are you alone?” Hinata tried to look for a way out of this situation, but couldn’t find any. “I…I…” Gaara kept his eyes focused at Hinata, which didn’t make her feel comfortable. She felt the pressure rise. The young girl felyt like she could faint at any second right there and then. Then she closed her eyes and breaths deeply, releaving some of the pressure. Without opening her eyes she started to speak “I-I’m looking for … someone. And the last clues I found led to your village.” Curiosity took the better of Gaara. “This person must be rather important to you, if you where willing to putt your life on the line for this individual. Why go through all this for just 1 person?” He wrapped his hands into each other and leaned his chin onto his hands as he placed his full attention to the young girl. “Because… H-He’s a very important person to me.” She blushed heavily listening to herself almost confessing her feeling to someone who she still considers a stranger and someone pretty scary. Gaara was intrigued by this girl. He felt something he hadn’t felt before, as far as he could remember. He was both curious and moved by this girl. He shifted his eyes into the shadows, but quickly shifted them back at her, forming somewhat of a smile on his face. “If you tell me who this person is, I could see what I can do for you in trying to find something useful for you. It’s the least I could do for a shinobi of Konoha.” Hinata blushed even more now, and lost to suppress the urge to fiddle her fingers. She looked down to her fiddling fingers. “U-Uzumaki N-Naruto-kun……”

Gaara stood up from his chair, and walked over to the edge of his desk, facing the wall which was covered in a dark shadow, and kept his sort of smile. “Uzumaki Naruto… Even though we owe Konoha a lot, I personally have a owe Uzumaki Naruto a large dept. He taught me that even for a person like myself, who only knew darkness, to find a light. He shown me that even I have a purpose in live.” He turned towards Hinata again who looked at him with wide eyes. “Uzumaki Naruto had been a guest of this village twice in the past year. The last time he left our gates was only two weeks ago.” Hinata was speechless. She didn’t even had to use up the last of her courage to ask him if he could help her find the whereabouts of Naruto. She listens carefully as the young Kazekage continues. “I believe he mentioned that he and his sensei planned on going to a village four days from here. If you won’t mind staying here for the rest of the day, so you could recover your strength. I’ll arrange shelter and food for you.” Hinata stood up, and bowed politely and respectfully towards Gaara. “A-Arigato Kazekage-sama!” Gaara nods towards Hinata and turned his eyes towards the door. “Temari!” The door opened again, and Temari walked in. “You called Kazekage-sama?” Gaara walked back to his chair behind the desk, and sat down again. “Arrange sleeping arrangements and a good meal for our guest.” Temari bows and walks towards the exit, motioning for Hinata to fallow her. The young Hyuuga girl bowed to Gaara again, and fallowed the sand Kunoichi.

As the door closed, Gaara turned his eyes towards the shadow again. A cloaked figure walked towards him. “I thank you Gaara… No, Kazekage-sama. I couldn’t do it better myself.” Gaara frowns slightly at the cloaked individual. “Are you sure this is for the best? Last time she was alone, she nearly gotten killed by four Rain shinobi. When I insisted to check out a report myself, and happen to stumble on them was just pure luck.” Then cloaked individual shook his head. “Didn’t anybody ever tell you that luck is a part of one’s strength?But don’t worrie about her, I’ll keep an eye out for her.” Gaara thought for a second about that last fraise. “It doesn’t make sense, but if you say so, I guess its true then.” The cloaked individual smirked and bowed. “But if you could excuse me, Kazekage-sama. I have preparations to make before I leave tomorrow.” Gaara nods, and watches the cloaked figure vanish in a puff of smoke.

Meanwhile, inside the Hokage tower in Konoha, the door to Tsunade’s office slammed open.

Tsunade woke up suddenly, still having some drool dropping down her chin. “Wah? Where’s the fire? Gotta save my secret stack of high quality sake!” She stood up, and came back to reality when she sees a battered and bruised Kakashi leaning against the door frame. “Ho-Hokage-sama…” Tsunade rushed around her desk and barely caught the wounded Jounin. She eased him down onto the ground, and started to heal the worst of his wounds. “What in hell happened to you?” Kakashi breathed deeply. “The… The Sound has forged a… a secret alliance with… with the hidden Rain and the… the hidden mist…Th-They are…p-preparing for… s-something… big…ugh…” More words didn’t come out of the Jounin’s mouth as he passed out. “SHIZUNE! Come help me NOW!”

A few hours away from the hidden Sand, Kurenai had the others help out preparing the camp.

Tenten and Shikamaru where setting the traps, while Kurenai and Sakura worked on the meal for them all. Shino and Lee went out to find some wood, as Kiba went hunting for meet. Neji set down next to Kurenai, staring into the fire. “Hinata… She took out two chuunins from the hidden Rain, with what seemed a single punch each. This while didn’t seemed to be improving for the last few months.” Kurenai sighs deeply, while stirring the soap she’s cooking. “You failed to notice she has been this strong, and perhaps even stronger then you thought all this time. She left Konoha to find the key to that strength she doesn’t seem to be able to reach out for other wise.” Kurenai chuckles a bit. “You might not believe me right away, and maybe even laugh at me for saying this, but I think she might be as strong as you are someday. She just needs the right stimulation to grow.”

Neji kept starring into the fire, not even blinking once. “Somehow, I feel like you’re telling the truth.” He then smiles a slight bit and turns to Kurenai. “I noticed this to, when we reached that small village earlier. Normaly Hinata wouldn’t be able to keep up with us after traveling that fast. But now we where chasing her, and after these few days, she’s still ahead of us. She’s proving me wrong again.” Neji sighs while smiling as he turns back his gaze at the fire. “This is starting to become a bad habbit.”

“DINNER’S READY!” Sakura pulled Neji out of his trance as she yelled loudly. But as proud as he was, he had to admit that he was rather hungry after the long and exhausting trip. Everybody starting to enjoy their soup, while Kiba was roasting a few rabbits. Le set down next to Kiba, enjoying the smell. “Hmmm… Smells great Kiba!” Kiba smirks while Akamaru started to drool over the smell. “Just a few more minutes, and they’ll be ready to be served.”

Sakura sighs deeply and stares into her mug which was filled with hot soup. Tenten perks up, and focuses her attention on the seemingly depressed pink haired kunoichi. “Whats wrong Sakura?” Without even moving her eyes from her mug, Sakura sighs again. “I wish…” She sighs again as her eyes are starting to water up a slightly bit. “I wish I could go after him like Hinata went after Naruto… I envy Hinata for being rather lucky knowing that he’ll listen to what she wants to say to him.” Tenten chuckles slightly. “Sakura baka… Everybody has their troubles if it comes to love. Take Hinata for example. She has her shyness that kept her from doing anything about her feelings towards Naruto. Not to mention Naruto’s thick headedness for not noticing Hinata’s feelings for him, while everybody else did.” Tenten took a quick glimps at Shikamaru. “Even he has his problems on this subject….. Watch.” Tenten giggled a bit as she turned her attention to Shikamaru. “Hey, Shi-ka-ma-ru.” The lazy Chuunin turned his head towards Tenten, while sipping a bit of soup. “What do you want?” Tenten grins while Sakura watches. “You do know that once we enter sand, you’ll be in trouble don’t you? I mean, she’ll be really pissed at you for not thanking her properly a year ago, and didn’t even made one attempt to contact her you know.” Shikamaru’s eyes where a slightly bit larger, and turns his head slowly, like a wooden doll, while sweat was breaking out all over his head. He even blushed a slightly bit. “Of all the women in the world, she HAD to mention her… But she’s right though… Things will turn out really troublesome if she decided to turn up.” He said to himself. He feared this Sand woman more then he feared his mother. She’s really scary, but his pride never had him admit this out loud. Troublesome times will arrive sooner or later, but he wouldn’t complain if it was later then sooner. To bad though, coz he knew that somehow, those troublesome times will start tomorrow.

Sakura and Tenten giggle at Shikamaru’s expression, knowing full well what was bothering him. “See what I mean Sakura?” Sakura nods and takes a sip from her soup. “But still… I wish I was able to stop him a year ago. Perhaps I might’ve been happier now…” Tenten takes a sip from her soup as well. “Don’t worry Sakura, love will shine upon all of us sooner or later. Even for you and for me.” Tenten’s cheeks turned a slightly bit reddish after shifting her eyes towards a certain Hyuuga in their group. A gaze which Sakura detected quit easily and giggled. “I suppose so...”

Back at the hidden Sand village, o knock was hear from the outside of a hotel room. Hinata rushed over to the door and opened it, seeing both Temari as Kankurou standing outside, dressed rather formally. “Hyuuga Hinata, you are invited to dine by the Kazekage.” Hinata blinked a few times then looks down, fiddling her fingers again. “B-But I have nothing formal to wear. I c-can’t…” The young Hyuuga was cut off by Temari, who pulled out a dress from behind her. “No problems there! Leave it all to me!” Temari walked into the room, and turned to Kankurou. “Tell Gaara that we’ll be a tiny bit later. Okay? Thanks!” With that she closed the door.

A few minutes later, Hinata looked into the mirror. She was wearing a beautiful dress, which probably used to belong to Temari as well, seeing as how much skin it revealed. Of course, Hinata blushed at this sight. It was so not her, but she had little choice. She couldn’t possibly turn down an invitation by the Kazekage. Temari looked around the corner, smiling proudly at her work. Of course Temari was looking good as well, and she knew it.

The two girls finished up some minor details before finally walking out the door, and head towards a restaurant, where Kankurou waited for them outside muttering. “I thought you said a few minutes? It’s already been a half hour!” Temari gave her sibling a glare, which shut him up right away. He then notices Hinata hiding behind Temari. He smiled as he liked what he saw. “Well it seems some leaf kunoichi actually look good in a dress like that.” Hinata blushed furiously, not feeling comfortable at all. Temari pushed Kankurou away and dragged Hinata into the restaurant.

After they checked in, they where guided to a large table in the back, where Gaara waited for them. He glared at Temari a bit. “That sure took you long enough.” Instead of showing her fear for Gaara, she seemed to be more confident towards him after the changes he went through after he fought Naruto. She returned the glare and sneared somewhat, but still careful about what she was saying. “You try and look as good as we do and do it within only a few minutes. Pfft!” Gaara blinked and folded his hands into each other again. “I feel no need to do that. It seems rather pointless.” Temari looked rather insulted, but restrained herself from assaulting Gaara. Coz if she didn’t, it wouldn’t be good for her at the end. Gaara motions Hinata to sit next to him. “Hyuuga Hinata, there was one thing I was meaning to ask you after you left. You said that Uzumaki Naruto is a important person to you. I was wondering why he’s important to you. I can’t seem to find any reason for him to be important to you. Please explain.” Gaara had his full attention towards Hinata again, forcing her to blush and look away again shyly. Again she felt like being trapped by the Kazekage. She couldn’t find anything to get herself out of this situation. A sigh escaped from her mouth. “I…” Gaara blinked once, and even Temari and Kankurou listened with interest. “I… L-Lo” Hinata swallowed and closed her eyes. “I… L-Love Naruto-kun” Temari’s mouth dropped and Kankurou looked rather jealous, while Gaara looked down at the table, trying to find the meaning behind this all. The memory of the time that Gai saved Lee from his final attack spooked through his mind. He still didn’t understand, and turned back his gaze at Hinata, who he saw was shaking and noticed her face was red all over.

In the hospital of Konoha, Shizune and Tsunade worked hard to try and wake up Kakashi. His wounds where already healed, and it was just a matter of time before he wakes up. The words he spoke before he passed out where disturbing Tsunade. Sound, Rain, and Mist where conspiring against Konoha. She made sure that the defense inside Konoha was at a full alert. All the missions where cancelled, and she send the fastest message bird away to the Hidden Sand to warn them as well. She was hoping Kakashi’s observation was a mistake. Konoha wouldn’t stand a chance against the Sound, Rain and Mist if they attacked Konoha at the same time. Tsunade lets out a deep and worrying sigh, as she waits for Kakashi to wake up.

Just outside the borders of Konoha to the hidden Sound, two sound shinobi looked at the bodies of seven of their fellow ninja. “Damn, the one who did this must be pretty strong.” The other ninja kneeled next to one of the bodies. “Just look at that hole in his chest... What kinda jutsu was used here? Who did this?” Suddenly, behind the one that was kneeling next to the body, another ninja appeared. His raven like black hair danced in the soft breeze as he looked down at the body. “Kakashi…” He whispered to himself with a light chuckle.

User Comments: [3] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue May 22, 2007 @ 01:51am
how long does this stuff take you eiko!!!!??? rofl

commentCommented on: Thu May 31, 2007 @ 11:59am
can you update it plz?

Hinake Uchiha
Community Member
Agent Kitteh
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Jun 10, 2007 @ 07:56am

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