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Claires Horrors
The horrors of Claire. Okay, basically this is just random thoughts and art I draw... HUZZAH!
god damned! It can be called 'c**k' too!!
maaan. work is making me so nervous ; - ;
Im scared that Im going to ******** up.
and because im nervous about ******** up... I do.
quite the vicious cycle...
*bbiiiiig siigghh* another day with the manager...
Where I have to apologize for sucking.
And then I have to do everything..
and I'll probably bunk up..
because I suck like that... lol.
Im still in the retard safety noob zone..
so Im allowed... but I still feel crappy about it >.<
O-o... I hope I dont have to muck around with the rats again..
theys be clever buggers O-o tricksy tricksy...
and big >.<


Must think positive thoughts about work!!!!
boost confidence so I dont mess up! >______<
>____o... ^____^ yay!


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