A lonely child I am,
life is a sham.
My family is gone,
my village, Hakone, attacked at dawn.
A ninja of an enemy clan,
destroyed it according to plan.
So I am here,
running and running with fear.
In a forest heading to Lake Ashi,
looking for my cherry tree.
There it is,
a gentle breeze, the branches whiz.
Under my tree,
gasping for breath because of my flee.
Memories are flooding me,
under this ethereal pink sea.
I burst out and cry,
just wanting to die.
Blood is in my thoughts,
of my family, my friends, my village is what this ninja sought.
I hear something coming,
the wind humming?
Oh no!
I dodge the kunai, how did he know?
The ninja, the murder he found me,
forget it, this time I'm not going to flee.
I'm getting my revenge from him,
even though my chances are slim.
Taking out my shuriken,
getting ready to defend.
Giving three a fast pace,
wonderfully done and heading to the face.
He quickly cuts them down with his blade,
definitely a ninja of high grade.
Now he charges at me with a thrust,
live I must.
Drawing my sword,
fear I ignored.
Somehow I connected,
his thrust I deflected.
Shock and anger spread,
he slashed my left thigh red.
I drop to the ground,
yet make no sound.
I clinch my wound and scurry to the edge of the lake,
just closing my eyes and hoping all was fake.
My eyes swell,
as I await hell.
I hear his footsteps stop in front of me,
now his blade is in the air and my death is guarantee.
The blade drops,
my heart stops.
Bye world, farewell,
then comes a yell...
Open my eyes,
and see a surprise.
Dead is the killer,
what a thriller.
Wait, his body,
the head and the arms are all disembody?
Suddenly a snarl,
I turn and my heart gnarls.
Emerald scales,
head lined with fur prevails.
It sets me under my tree,
now I can see.
The Dragon King, Kuzuryu,
what a view!
Glistening emerald, gold fur...heart beating faster,
intense eyes, command over water...just like master!
Stream of water flowing around him,
now a orb healing my limb.
Kuzuryu, now my guardian and friend,
shall be until the end.
It all started under this tree,
this tree, that has a soft pink sea.

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