• Pitter,Patter! Pitter! Patter! Down on the ground it goes.
    Whish... Whoosh! Whish! Whoosh! That's how the wind blows.
    In the gust of the wind I see a figure
    and that is for sure
    while on the other hand I stand at the shore
    looking out for more...
    they're coming here
    Look out! Oh dear!
    They'll haunt you wherever you go
    In your house, in the park,
    and even while watching a show.
    It's snowing too!
    Oh dear! Oh my!
    They look like even though they aren't.
    All I know is that they're never shy.
    Run away! For good right now!
    Hurry! Be a cow!
    I know they are harm
    because I'm telling you...
    I'm one of them.
    In the gust of the wind
    I see them...
    but it's now different...
    They're with me!!!