• I met a man one fateful afternoon
    With a sign around his neck that read:
    "The end is coming soon."
    Thus strengthening my thoughts that
    The true horor of humanity
    Is it's confusion in everyday society

    You see, the man was once a priest
    Who now so pitifully blasphemed
    And when I asked why he replied,
    "I have no control
    I must adapt to the constantly changing
    Aesthetic choices of my God,
    These are the rules I must live by."

    Though there was cheap bourbon on his breath
    He nearly sucked me in with his view on death
    "You see kid, the corruption of life dictates
    that one life is more valuable than another,
    This very fact makes us all sinners.
    Especially when the loss of one is a catastrophe
    while the death of millions are
    Numbers crunched onto sheets of paper."

    His thoughts on love however brought me back to my senses
    "Love is now in a vacuum,
    it's loss of gravity fails to keep it grounded
    and rooted in the hearts of mankind
    which has allowed it to dissolve
    into mere property of perversions of
    innocent pleasures."

    The newspaper stand nearby
    contradicted his claims with
    the head lines reading:
    "Woman risks life for the safety of her child!"