• the nigth sky seems as though its never been darker
    clouds cover the moon
    i chase after my nightmares as i run to you
    but what if your not there there
    what if this is a dream ill soon awake from
    but then i realize my true purpose in life
    the clouds fade showing the moon
    it starts raining but that doesn't stop
    your shadow from coming off your body
    i see a dark figure and know its you
    finally your mine
    i take anothere step as tears stream down my face
    theres no reason for crying while im near you
    but then i snap back to reality and realize
    your arms are wrapped around me
    i you whisper i love you
    as i hug you back
    your hair shines in the moonlight
    in the open field
    as your deep blue eyes stare lovingly at me
    the world around us fades as the rain stops
    we lay in the grass as you crawil in my arms
    i hold you tight as we watch the night sky
    not caring about anything at all
    the emptiness has haunted me for so long
    but the past is gone
    i gaze into your eyes and we lay there