Poetry And Lyrics
| Submitted on 11/09/2009 |
The sky hangs low over the ‘20s rest stop
A single cloud frozen in one place
Casting a shadow over the shop
Darkening the one already on her face
Her fingers run through her straw colored hair
The dust dances along with white lace dress
Her face, half-hidden, shows her clear dispair
She’s a classic damsel in distress
Her thundercloud eyes are down pouring rain
Once pale cheeks now splattered with red
She fixes her hair in the window, remaining vain
The wind blowing the golden threads
I’m watching over the rusted hood of my car
One half of me shifts forward, to go to her aide
The other stays in place, determined not to go far
And unconvinced by her masquerade
“This’ll sound weird”
She says, suddenly by my side
I hadn’t even noticed she had disappeared
“I need a ride.”
She’s in the passenger seat
Her face is blank, mine focused, hiding clear defeat
I slow, carefully, at the first hotel I see
She shakes her head, “Keep driving.”
I open my mouth to disagree
My unspoken complaint replied with a sighed “Keep driving”
Another half hour passes
And another hotel
And another rest stop
All passed with a single “Keep driving”
Rest Stop (keep driving)
Also posted in my deviantArt gallery: http://bibi15.deviantart.com/art/Rest-Stop-keep-driving-53891719
Just a quick would-be sonnet. Would-be, because I gave up on the rhyme scheme/syllable count after a while.
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