• Start by telling them a lie.
    Keep up that lie.
    Begin to live that lie.
    Place that theatrical mask on
    Because today is another gig
    The director calls action
    Time for the next scene
    Play up the audience
    Make them believe…that everything they watch now
    Is complete reality.
    Perform and steal their gaze, holding on for dear life
    Live like never before to convince
    Everyone, not just yourself, that you exist
    Demand respect!
    Demand the love and adoration that you so dreadfully crave
    Since all you’ve ever wanted was to be needed and cared for
    But you’ve had to transform into someone else to get it
    Because you didn’t have the courage before to reach for it
    With your head held high
    No, it has never been as intoxicating as this
    The performance is over; you’re showered with applause
    But deep down you know those cheers aren’t for you
    Instead they are for a person you’ve portrayed
    The one you wish you could morph into
    Peel away that mask and take a hard look at yourself
    The days melt away and you cannot recognize yourself
    Forgot who you were and just what you might have been fighting for
    The lie has taken a life of its own
    Controlling you, controlling those around you
    The lie is consuming you
    Eating away at any trace of what you ever were
    You want to scream out loud, but you can’t
    Because in all this confusion, you’ve forgotten how
    Lost your voice and yourself along the way
    Girl, just let go of it all and take a bow at that final curtain call
    Reprise the role you were born to play: not him, not her, but you…yourself
    Just be yourself