• Lyrical expression..
    Forget that this is users disgression
    The sinners to winners
    the diers to livers
    the fictional pictures,
    images,numbers,words unsaid
    ive kept this too long locked in my head
    this hurts it burns i cry
    because truth is this is no live or die
    its just feelings from a girl with a curse and it hurts you can see
    cause when i say im ok no ones believin' me
    i sit alone and i cry
    because of the way you say hi
    and i constantly beat myself up over all the small things
    because of these awfully long things
    the words the visions the fictional pictures
    there back as adhesive as stickers
    and i know i try to stress these things
    but truth is there can never be hope on these jaded wings
    and as the end of this poem comes near
    i hope you can hear me loud 'n' clear
    because these are the last words in the ryme
    so when you see me youll know this time
    .....im just speaking ma mind