• I had a dream
    We’re at a park
    Sitting at a table
    We’re having a great time together
    You take my hand and we walk.
    Next thing I know
    Everything starts changing
    It becomes dark and you disappear
    I stand still
    I won’t move because I’m so scared
    I wake up from this dream
    My mom is sitting on the bed next to me
    She tells me you’ve gone to a better place
    It took me a while to finally get it in.
    I started crying
    You couldn’t be gone I told myself
    You needed to stay with us.

    Two days later it’s the day we say our final goodbyes
    Everyone takes their seats
    We sit behind your family
    They play your favorite song
    Even though it’s an upbeat song
    It reminds us of you
    My mom starts crying
    People start lining up to say their final goodbyes
    It’s finally my turn
    I walk up and see you in a dress.
    Your hands on your heart and your nails painted.
    You looked so beautiful.
    As I was looking at you I started crying
    This has to be a dream I think to myself

    People are finally done saying their goodbyes
    They close the casket
    As we walk outside
    We feel the November breeze
    We go to the spot reserved for you
    We say our prayers
    They put your casket down and they put
    Flowers all over your casket
    The November breeze comes again
    A small smile comes upon my face
    I realize it’s not a dream
    The breeze to me is you
    Telling me to stay calm and be happy

    I loved you with all my heart
    You were the last person I wanted to be gone forever
    You were there for me
    But now you’ll just be watching over me
    You were a loving mother, a great sister, a wonderful aunt, and
    You were the best godmother
    Everyone will miss you
    You will always be in our hearts
    I hope to see you again

    Love, Your loving Goddaughter