I sigh so heavily
As I read the love message to me
How I blush when you flatter my soul
And I dance with my shadow
As if it were you by my side
How my chest aches when I tried
To kiss my shady self
But it wasn't warm, soft lips I felt
But my room's cold, hard wall
And yes, it's my first fall
Fortunately I was caught
No matter how many times I've been taught
That love is a dangerous thing
I can not help what I am feeling
Like fireworks on a summer July
On cloud nine in the vast blue sky
The excitement of disobedience
I'll always remember this experience
Of disobeyinging my mother
And pissing off my father
The thrilling rush on a roller coaster ride
Will keep me up all night
Thinking of your face, your smile
Your velvety whispers keep me awake for awhile
Wishing you were actually here
So your real voice would put me to sleep for years
Realizing I've never felt so beautiful before
Realizing I've never felt so adorable before
I feel so wanted, so special
So cared for, so very, very special
So very, very in love...
With a little push and a shove
I fell in love
And I fly with the doves
Flying in love
I fly high up above
Curse myself for being stupid
Curse the little, winged cupid
I want to yell at Aphrodite
Shout at Eros and be
Grateful after I know
That my love is eternal
And that hate wouldn't take over
Let him keep my heart forever
Let the kisses be from him only
And let him swear I shall never again be lonely
Let our love be as sweet as candy
Don't let it rot and become sticky
Grant it be everlasting
Don't make it so deceiving
Grant it be real love I am receiving
This feeling I'm believing
I did not believe before
Until he opened up my door
And swept me off my feet
I didn't feel the need to be discreet
And swears this be the best day of my life
So far so good, so far no strife
Inattentively writing our names
Knowing I will never be the same
But I vow my friend shall still be there
Because our friendship is rare
Until we do confront
My love will reamin blunt
A blossoming rose in my heart
Its petals will not fall apart
Unless its vase breaks
Then my heart is yours to take
Take it in an exchange of a hug
And don't let go, love
'Cause I'll fall deep
And drown in my sleep
If you promise not to break me
Then I won't break you baby
I'll love you - die trying
I won't leave you - not lying
Bring happiness when I'm crying
Whatever you do, don't go dying
Be alive and dance with me
Make a song and chant with me
Baby I love you
Do you love me too?
I am falling for you...
Am I right to feel like a fool?
Are you the guy I do deserve?
Or baby am I your kind os girl?
Yes, I know I can be absurd
I feel like your my whole world
But all of this is new to me
How could this be
That I've fallen in love?
Way up high above
In the Heavens is an angel
Threatened by the devil
Fell in love...
In the exchange of a hug...
In love...
In love...
I fell in love...
Fallen In Love
... Yeah, it was my first time... ^_^ It's dorky, yes, I know... but the hell cares! ... AND YES IT IS RIDICULOUSLY LONG FOR A LUV POEM!... but like I said... who the HELL CARES??
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