• and i'll be the first to say that i've made some mistakes.
    and i'll be the first to stand and say i've been wrong.
    and i'll be the first to shout from the rooftops that i've never been in love and that i'm perfectly fine.

    nothing's going on.
    i've lost my faith but i hope still,
    yes i hope to regain it again.
    and whether or not i lose you, i will always love you and you'll always have a place in my heart.
    remember that friends.
    whether or not if you forget me, i'll always remember the good times we've had.

    and i'll be the first to say, i never forget
    much like an elephant.
    i never forget those who have done me wrong,
    but i never forget the good times.

    so please,
    don't you give up on me.
    yes, i've been the in the darkness
    yes, it's peaceful and enchanting
    but it's not the way.
    i've been there, young one, it's not all what it's crack up to be.
    it only makes life harder
    and it hurts the ones you love and who love you.
    it's scary,
    not knowing the time or place.
    not knowing if the bogey man is there around the corner.
    not knowing if mr.sandman is actually the grim reaper.
    trust me kid,
    it's not worth it.

    i'll be the first to say i can be a hypocrite.
    and i'll be the first to shout that i can be ignorant.
    but, dammit, i'm honest.
    and if you knew what i really thought,
    then you'd hang me,
    you'd kill me,
    you'd hate me.
    cause you know i now all your secrets.
    and maybe,
    i'm just a make believe maverick.